Do you believe in rebirth?
Smita - Smitasfoodcharm - Thermomix Australia consultant
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There are many beliefs regarding rebirth or reincarnation. Do you believe in it?
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Yes.. Sometimes we sense somethings, like a deja vu, that cannot be explained. That I feel comes from previous birth. Very abstract, but I believe it
Yes. I think that you will return to complete the lesson that you did not learn.
Yeah I do.How else would we explain the concept of Karma .
Rebirth as a metaphor for a change in beliefs and lifestyle? Sure. Literal reincarnation? No. Well, in the sense that the atoms of our bodies will eventually be part of other living things, yes, but not in a spiritual sense.
No I don't believe in rebirth.
I mean No to reincarnation....
It is a metaphor. Not sure about the rebirthing sessions you can have where your buried underwater for 30 minutes and come out anew...
They do that?!? Feeling claustrophobic just thinking about that one!
Underwater? You'd come out dead!
If we are spiritual beings then we must have come from somewhere and go to somewhere and be working on achieving something. That's what I think. I'm not going to go into the mechanics of it in terms of reincarnation though.
Reincarnation. No, I don't believe in rebirth in that sense.
Growing up in a buddhist country, I leant a lot about rebirth. My first novel 'Butterfly Kisses' though fiction is based on the concept of rebirth . As to whether I believe it or not - it never was a question!
In my religion, we do not believe that there will be a new life on earth after death but rather a new eternal life in the hereafter, be it in Hell or paradise.
I never used to but am a believer in Neale Donald Walsch's teachings in his Conversations with God books which are common sense and believable and fearless. Neale Donald Walsch was deeply inspired by the message that "the purpose of life is to recreate ourselves anew in the highest version of the grandest vision we ever had about ourselves." and has written on the subject of re-birth.
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ID: 11330