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Do you believe in post-school education?

by chipp (follow)
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post graduate studies

The job market can be quite competitive. Do you believe in post-school education? Have you done any courses after you completed school, and did those courses help you get a job?

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I do believe that post school education is a must to stay ahead of the times! It not only helps with your job, but it also keeps the brain active!
I think it is very important - otherwise you just start doing the same things over and over. Besides learning new things is fun!
Yes, it is important to continue education in your field as newer studies are constant and it is important to keep yourself abreast.
I have done post school education.

It was invaluable,and would tell anyone to try and give it some thought.
They really were very interesting, also gave me more self confidence...in a world where people are so disposable.It made me have the upper edge, and certainly helps you to get the job, no doubt!
University isn't for everybody, but some sort of post school education (which could also be TAFE or an apprenticeship) seems like a good idea unless you happen to somehow get straight into a job that really suits you.

I have two university degrees. I think I rushed into the first one a bit and while I did learn a lot it wasn't likely to help me find a job. I was expected to go to uni so I went even though I wasn't really ready and hadn't worked out what I really wanted to study. If I had my time again I'd have liked to maybe travel or something for a year instead while I figured some things out. I didn't even know there were other educational options at the time. If you're still at school in year twelve all you hear about is uni, uni, uni. There's a lot of pressure to go.
YES, yes and yes. I strongly believe in post-school education. The entire life is a journey of learning and why not include academic learning in this journey? It is never too late to study and I live by that motto.
Absolutely. To keep your interest level up, and also to keep up with the skills and technology needed to do a job. Education is always valuable, even if it doesn't lead to a job, it broadens one's horizons and makes life more interesting.
Yes. It's enjoyable and a must in today's day and age as it helps to improve employability.
by Vee
I don't only believe in post-school education but also in lifelong education. The world we live in is a fascinating place and we can appreciate it so much better if we have an understanding of how it and the people (and things) in it work. Of course, some form of post school education is usually necessary for the job market, but I think that it's also good to appreciate that it's also great to learn simply for the sake of learning...not just to snare ourselves a job so we can earn more money.
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