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Do you believe in life after death?

by Manny (follow)
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What happens after we die? What's your take on this?

image depicting passing

Is there truly such a thing as an"ethereal body"or is it only our vivid imagination or knowledge gained from works of fiction? Or are they conjured images made up by miraculous survivors, for a few moments of fame?

Does quantum physics prove that there is an afterlife? or the existence of life, as we know it, parallel on a different plane in the universe?

If a person or soul does take rebirth, how many lives would we have to take at a minimum, before we reach Nirvana?

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Yes ... totally ... I think we live many lives.
Your response brings another interesting topic to my mind, I'll ask that to this forum soon. In the meanwhile, can you expand your reply further..as it appears to hold more meanings than one?
by Manny
I believe we are a soul, we don't "have" a soul. Bit of a different viewpoint.
I think we take rebirth based on Karma.But to answer your question, I believe our souls do not 'live' per se after death.Like how we have a time to die, maybe we have a time for rebirth too.So until the time comes,maybe we wander around as spirits.

But very interesting question .
According to our puranas and scriptures say that there are 7 rebirths ..so do agree with that.
Sometimes I do but I tend not to believe because this seems to be a theory created and developed over time to:
1. Give a hope to people that death isn't end of everything
2. Explain why some are happy despite doing a lot of sins. Because they were good in previous birth!!!
Interesting viewpoint! I tend to think that people who are happy even though they do the wrong thing may have a different level of responsibility to others and so are ok with what they do.
I got interested in this topic through intoxicated discussions I had with a friend's father. Sorry while I was intoxicated. Here is an article that stirred my memories back to this topic:
The Stages of Life After Death
"You say I am going away. But where can I go? I am always here." - Sri Ramana Maharshi, on his deathbed to grieving devotees.

Other Interesting URLs:
I believe ther is. I also believe there are spirits that roam this earth
I don't believe in life after death especially after my Mum and I made a pact that if there is a life after death, she would contact me!
No, when you are dead, you are dead.
by Finy
Hi there!
Yes I believe in 'life after death' but I'm yet to see a convincing cese
I believe as humans, we are a speck of our soul experiencing life on earth. That soul probably has aspects of itself having other experiences other places (not necessarily human or on earth). I believe we came here to experience things - not to judge as good or bad but rather like as actress who tried out "old woman", "abandoned child", "wealthy business man", "Homeless person" - even terrorist - although I wish fewer people had wanted to try that one!! When we die I think we go back to add our experience to our soul and the universe as a whole. I believe our purpose is to find joy and to let others find their joy as they wish .
We are all just worm food

Don't you ever wonder why people specially Celebrities who have all the fame and money in the world yet commit suicide? Our heart is empty and the soul longs for spiritual food. I started to live and wander around the world at a young age by myself. I always know that someone is watching over me. There was one time I fell into a glass centerpiece table. I landed right in the middle, glass was broken into pieces but not any scratch on my skin. When I lived in Europe by myself, I experienced a terrible pain in stomach and was showering from sweat while I couldn't move from bed. I made a note to say goodbye to my family and I grabbed a tiny bible left by previous tenant and put it on my belly, the next morning I woke up 100% better as if nothing happened. I couldn't explain. Faith is nothing you easily acquire, it is thru the process but you will see the truth if you are sincere with it.
I just don't believe in thing like 'Life after Death, Nirvana, Going to Heaven &/or Hell.Once you're dead & gone your life as you know it on this planet comes to an end.
Our religions misfeed stuff like 'a person with good deeds goes to Heaven & all the bad ones go to hell to be with devil ' & so on is a utter nonsense for my way of thinking.Can you imagine if we were really to go to heaven & Hell in our present form since the begining of time then just how crowded these places must be ! ! ! Then once there just how do we live & so on..... It's just a dumb line of thought. It's best to do what you can in this life & then enjoy the fruits & one day your number is called & that the end a complete end.
Shane LeRoy
It looks like you figured out your own answer. Good for you! Although if you already got the answer, why do you think you still get intrigued by this mystery? After all, even in our very high tech generation, no definitive answer has yet concluded. Life is a mystery. There is more in depth meaning why we exist rather than enjoying the fruits. People have been searching for the true meaning of life because we tend to be so close minded about the material happiness rather than feeding our soul. I like material things too but there is always a balance between material things and soul foods. You can never find the answer unless you try both. Cheers!
by Sfcal
Yes believe it or not.
I have seen my father who had passed over and heard my mother speaking to me one day when I had completely forgotten that discussion. I am very intuitive as well and when you work with Spirit and ' see' then you will believe.
Even the most adamant naysayer who would be willing to 'see' would believe.
We evolve and evolve over and over again. We must learn lessons on earth and if we dont we have to return again to learn again or to 'get it'.
Its life long experiences we need to learn and once we do we dont need to learn that lesson again.
You could ask, How come I feel so close to someone and yet you dont know them? Usually when we instantly bond with someone its because there is a common ground of knowing whereas with another it takes a while to arrive at that same connection.
Usually its because we have known that person and yet in this life we havent and its true this connection of the past that allows us to 'know' that other person despite in this life time never before having met them.
With my father I was fine, lying in bed, reading my book. I heard a shuffling up the passage of my home and this shuffling or sliding along the carpet freaked me out. I thought it was a burglar. I have to say I was pretty scared. I sweated as I considered that my life was in peril. The long and the short of it, I hid under the blankets, put my book over my head and played 'doggo' . Lol... not a good idea really but I had no where to 'run'.
I looked thru the teepee shape I did with my book and looked thru the chink of light and there before me wasnt a burlar but it was my DAD! I spoke to him and thanked him for coming and he gave me the indication that I was safe that he was there to protect me.

I only saw him once but I see lots, and also with my clairvoyance 'know' lots too.

So no matter ask yourself when you meet a toddler and that toddler is quite offay with things and is articulate too and one or more people say... she/he is very knowing, Im sure she or he has been on Earth before!'
Think about it............. its true they have. Another life in another body with different parents and siblings and perhaps in a different country. We all must learn lessons in order to progress.
Life after death exists in some form or the other based on the Karma of each individual :) sounding extremely philosophical !!!!!

There is a great deal of science to this theory in the Indian Vedas......
Unquestionably. There has never been any doubt in my mind and I have had too many unexplainable experiences to ever doubt it.
Yes, I believe in life after death. i believe that we will all stand before the judgement seat of Christ to give an account of our lives
by Gia
people live on in the hearts and memories of those who knew them.
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