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Do you believe in karma?

by Smita (follow)
Smita - Smitasfoodcharm - Thermomix Australia consultant
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koratmember, freedigitalphotos.net

Do you believe in karma? Would you do a good deed just so that something good happens to you or when you commit some bad deed you try to compensate?

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As I understand it Karma traditionally meant that things would happen to you in the next life based on what you did in this one, but the Western version is the idea that your good or bad behaviour will be rewarded or punished in this life. I don't believe that, no. Sometimes when you do good things you get rewarded for them. Other times you don't. Likewise sometimes people who do bad things get punished and other times they get away with it. Life is unfair. Sometimes people look at an example of when someone who did something bad has something bad happen to them subsequently and say "look, it's karma" but correlation isn't causality. They are ignoring the many times when people have done something bad and nothing has happened at all, or it has worked out well for them. I suppose it is comforting to some people to think that it will all ultimately work out fairly. Personally I find it oddly comforting knowing that it's random and that the universe doesn't play favourites.
Yes I do.What goes around will come around.
I don't view Karma as punishment rather as cause and effect. It is more a logical consequence of your actions and not about manipulating outcomes for yourself.
It is more an awareness of and respect for your connection to others and how your actions impact them. I try to live the best life possible knowing that being a human there will be times that I don't bring my A game, and if that means that I have caused harm to another I would do my best to rectify the situation.
Yes I do
Yes I do.
I do believe in karma and even in after life. I feel we pay for our bad deeds in this life itself, if we don't then we come back to pay for it. Might seem absurd to some people.
I believe in the Law of Attraction or Cause and Effect. I believe that everything is energy and that we vibrate at a certain frequency and attract to us things, people and situations that are vibrating at a similar rate.
I believe in the Law of Attraction or Cause and Effect. I believe that everything is energy and that we vibrate at a certain frequency and attract to us things, people and situations that are vibrating at a similar rate.
I believe in karma to some extent. What goes around comes around and good things happen to good people.

Although that may be more of hope rather than a belief!
Yes, I strongly believe in karma - I love the concept of what goes around comes around. It's how the universe works. Every time.
Yes I do believe in karma.
Not really in 'Karma'.

But in Balance........ that I must try and put in as much good as totally possible, but it is genuine also.
Karma is believed to reward in your next life time therefore I believe in doing good now because you can not for any reward in this or the after life.
To me the reward is my positive contribution to someone’s day.
Dealing with the present is tangible.
I respect the idea of the after life but am not sure it really is..
If now is all we have let’s embrace it and be the best we can.

by Zen
Karma is believed to reward in your next life time therefore I believe in doing good now because you can not for any reward in this or the after life.
To me the reward is my positive contribution to someone’s day.
Dealing with the present is tangible.
I respect the idea of the after life but am not sure it really is..
If now is all we have let’s embrace it and be the best we can.

by Zen
Yes, I very much believe in karma. The saying that goes"As you sow, you reap" is absolutely true and I thoroughly believe that life teaches you a lot till you learn only we must be aware of it.
I have always conducted my self correctly in relationships and business and at his point both areas have failed for me so I can not believe in karma.
I think it is more about God training you for a rewarding life when you are reborn.
The best we can do is conduct ourselves in a way that lets us like and respect ourselves. Then we can believe that we deserve peace love and joy and as a result of that belief we may find it.
Yes I believe in Karma. Some of my colleagues don't but I seem to witness Karma almost every day and I point it out to them. That is, when I see something bad happen to them, I remind them of their cruel actions previously, and tell them not to be complaining. It's just pay back time = Karma
Definitely. Even in our daily lives we see that there's a definite reaction for every single action we perform. For example, if we're nice to people, they're generally nice in return and if we want to get good grades in our studies, we need to put in the hours of study.
I'm with jonaj and kstew on this one, so no, I don't believe in karma in either the traditional or "in this life" sense. But I do believe we will one day be called to account for our actions by God.
by kimp
I certainly believe that what goes around will (most certainly) come around. But you'd be extremely lucky if you got to stay around to watch it unfold in front of your eyes!
Definitely believe in it and have seen it work in my own life.
No. I don't believe in this Asian mind set wherever it came from. For example like in Cambodia they did all these horrible things to people until they were dead but then nothing happened to the dectator, & he died natyrally & denied the killings till the end.
Somebody like Mugabe.....He lives in a Golden palace while sucking the blood of his countrymen & brutally killing any opposition ...now is anything happening to him ? No people like him don't give a damn about 'Karma' & no Karma power is there to punish him.
I think 'Karma' serves like a punishing stick with simple law abiding people to keep them in line from doing anything unethical. But I can give you a lond list of real a...holes & nothing happens to them.
The currently reelected south African President is a real bad ...e but he gets reelected.Now what happened to all those Coloured & Caucasians in South Africa ? Where are they & this is how they are paying back to the world for saving them from 'Aparthide' .How come no Karma magical power takes him out. No that's is just some old hogwash for people who believe in these folklore or the tradition.
To other believers I just like to be frank & express my opinion.
Yes, I do believe.
Am great believer in Karma.
Have seen it happen too many times not to believe in it.
Not anymore all you have to do is look at government to know it is nonexistent. All the bad they do without any karma coming back on them.
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