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Do you believe in fairies?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
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fairy, fairies
Portrait of a fairy by Sophie Anderson, (1823- 1903).

A day late for April Fools' Day, the Daily Mirror ran a story about photographs purported to be possible proof of the existence of fairies. The photos are reminiscent of the Cottlingly fairies, a 1917 hoax where two schoolgirls claimed to have photographed fairies in their garden. Fairies are certainly a popular idea, appearing in so many stories and paintings.

Do you believe in fairies?

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I believe in the possibility of fairies, as well as ghosts, Sasquatch, the afterlife and any other unexplained phenomena. There is so much about this world we don't understand. I think discounting things because we can't prove them right now is arrogant and irresponsible. I'm not saying that because we can't disprove them that they certainly exist, I'm saying we don't know enough about how this world, universe and life in general work.
That's not how burdern of proof works. If you say something like fairies exists you have to prove that they do. It's not up to others to prove that they don't.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that they certainly exist, what I'm saying is that although extremely unlikely, we have not found a definitive answer either way.
That is true, but seeing as they don't currently fit with what we do know about the world, discounting their existence for now isn't arrogant or irresponsible, it's just logical.
My daughter is a believer. She leaves letters and little gifts for the fairies in the hedge, which I think is quite sweet.

As for myself, no. There are certainly things in the world that we don't have explanations for yet, and I suppose it's possible that fairies or something like them might exist, but based on everything we do know about the natural world it is very, very unlikely, so I don't believe that they do.
Hmmmm, NO!
No I don't believe in fairies.
I do believe in fairies , so does my daughter . I think it is one of those inexplicable wonderful thing. It feels good to believe!
As cute as they may seem.

I have no belief in them.They are just made up.

I love the idea of them and the lovely art that has been generated around the concept of fairies, but no, to me they are just a lovely idea, some escapism somebody a long time ago came up with not to have to deal with the harsh realities of life all the time. I see nothing wrong with that, and if it makes somebody feel good, then it can't be all bad.
Yes I too like the lovely pictures of them.
Some are just divine :)
by jonaja
I'm open. I neither believe or disbelieve. I am perfectly willing to accept that they might exist, but I wouldn't say I was positively sure.
No, fairies are fairy tales. But the idea of them is great for the making movies and the creative art world on a whole. Just like with unicorns, trolls, goblins, leprechauns, Santa clause, elves, mermaids and pixies etc.
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