I will tell you why.
Say people like Hitler get off ''free'' for all the
EVIL they do in the world.
Then we must say our world is totally out of balance.
We know there IS Good and Bad in this world.
To think one can unleash so much Evil (and remember Hitler is not the ONLY one to do so)....then we have to think ''how can it happen, and then they die, and they got away with that much damage to Human Beings.
There is perfect balance with our world and even science tells us this.
You can Not do damage to human beings, as bad as this....then die and that's it.
Totally impossible conclusion.
Hell was not made for human beings, it was made by God for the one who has influence over humans from an evil stand-point. It was made for satan....To hold him and the angels that followed him, and this is in any Bible you pick up.
Evil had a beginning.
It started with satan.
People say well how come God made such an evil 'angel'.
He didn't.
He made one that was able to think and feel like humans do.....but! here';s the 'kicker', satan knew he had many powers.....and he used them.
He alone 'invented evil''.
I have often asked some of the worst offenders in jail 'why' and they have said ''something came over me'...or 'I have no idea I just snapped'.
It is a very complex question....'why' do people kill each other..
Why do we see people kill little children.
The heart of a person is part of the problem, along with mental and even in some cases even people who have no mental Abhorrent actions to one another.
It would be the greatest malfunction of human existence, if people like Hitler did what he did and then just shot himself , to get away from it all.....Then no reprisal.
Justice may not come in this life, and from what we know and are told Hitler committed suicide...So he suffered maybe a few short seconds for the crime of 6 million souls.
It is a impossible conclusion.
To have caused so much pain, and sorrow.
Hell is real, and no one has to go there.
The Bible tells of 'how' that must happen.
John 5:24
The Bible is no fairy story but a correct account of Heaven and 'why' a hell must be in place.
Say you and I were sinless, against anyone or thing.
It would need to exist for even just Hitler.
Now what about all the other insidious people who have raped children...and felt NO
Some may say ''well they get life in jail''....or they may be put to death'' do you really think that is a 'Just punishment' for say 6 million souls?
Or raping little children, when that person (also) shows no sign of sorrow for the crimes committed.
My answer today is what I know and believe as a Christian.
I also know that as long as we as people feel we should be 'sorry' for the things we do wrong, and for me I ask for Christ to forgive me...and try my best to love people and treat them as I would want to be treated.
Christ forgives me.
Because I want to do better, I want to be a decent human being.No one is perfect, only one person ever was and His name is Jesus
On the flip side Heaven is the total opposite to Hell.