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Do you bake your own bread?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
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Various kinds of levened bread. Photo by Klaus Höpfner, shared under the GNU Free Documentation License.

Do you bake your own bread? If so, what kind, and do you use a breadmaker or bake it in an oven?

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I know a lot of people buy breadmakers or receive them as gifts but never use them. My husband often makes bread in oursr. He has a bit of fun varying the ingredients (eg. throwing in herbs for flavour). It makes a small loaf so it's probably not as economical if you eat a lot of bread but it is nice bread and I like that you can put it on at night and wake up to the smell of freshly baked bread in the morning. Baking it in the oven is nice too but I haven't gotten around to that in quite a while.
I would LOVE to bake my own bread.

There is something very heart felt about it.

In winter on a cold afternoon, and the smell is divine....maybe I should look into getting a bread maker, I have a 21 year old at home...and I think it would be gone in 24 hrs.

Maybe I will do it, for winter with a stew cooking.

Sometimes I do, but I don't have a breadmaker, so it does take a bit of time to knead and let rise. I like to do it when I feel like a special bread, and have been known to go on kicks where I'll bake for a week or two and then get sick of it. I wouldn't get a breadmaker because I don't have any extra room in my kitchen!
I love baking bread. It is my favourite food to make. I don't have a bread maker, nor do I want one. I much prefer to do it all by hand. Kneading the dough is my favourite part of the process anyway.

I make all types of bread. My favourite is a basic wholemeal loaf with wheatgerm, but I also do sour dough, seeded, malted, fruit breads. Any bread basically. I just love it.
Only when at the family home. I'd love to otherwise. When at home, I buy at the local bakers.
Sometimes, when time permits. I tried a bread maker, but definitely prefer using the oven!
No, the idea is nice, but then baking yourself is too time consuming.
I have a bread maker which I used to use every few days when living on the farm however for some odd reason, since I came back to suburbia, I have only baked one loaf.
Perhaps it is because the ranges of bread available to buy is so vast compared to a regional area.
Also there is no room for the breadmaker in the kitchen in my current house so i think it is more a case of "out of sight, out of mind".

It was however always so nice to come home to that smell of bread cooking.
by Finy
We've got a bread machine which my husband uses to make yummy homemade loaves.
I bake every Sunday for the entire week
by Gia
Sometimes I bake bread. I won a breadmaker many years ago and wore it out. I have a new one now. I love the comforting smell of bread baking on a cold day or night. it makes me happy. It is possible to make so many types of bread. I particularly like cheese and onion. When the children were little I used to make bread by hand and form it into shapes such as a crocodile or dinosaur.
No, but I love the 'aroma' of bread being freshly baked!
There's nothing like it!
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