Do you avoid spider webs?
I would be pretty upset if I spent ages building a home, then only to have it destroyed in seconds. Spiders go through this every day; they'll weave their webs and then someone will walk straight through it, and all those hours of hard work will have been for nothing.
Unfortunately, spiders do tend to build their webs in the most inconvenient of places. In my garden, every pathway is barred by them, so you can only get past by ducking, stepping over, or destroying them.
If you see a spider web in your path, do you try to damaging avoid it?
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It depends; If the spider is not in a high traffic area, I will leave it alone. But, if its in a space where I am likely to end up with web on my face, then yes I will pull it down.
If I have to knock it down, I'll try to relocate the spider and I tell it. "Honey you wanna keep your web. Build it here." I have a stack of spiders who just make a mess. Not pretty webs at all.
LOL! Good effort. I would try to avoid the spider all together.
If I see a spider's web in. Y garden I try to avoid it because I hate that sticky stuff getting on me or in my hair. Not to mentio the big question - where's hairy legs (the spider)!
I do because of the beauty and the complexity of what has been created
Yes I sure do!
I would never deliberately walk into one as you don't know where the actual spider is hiding and it may end up on you.
Sends shivers down me when I think of it -it is also an awful feeling when you go through a spider web and it clings to you.
If at all possible I leave it alone.
They are there for a reason, far be it from me to destroy it.
The 'math' alone is nothing short of amazing!
I avoid them if I can. When I used to take a short cut through the bush every day I ran into them pretty often. It doesn't happen so much since I moved house.
Yep, definitely. i really don't like the feel of it on me and in no way would want to destroy someones home on purpose.
I try to avoid them, but in our garden it is practically impossible because they build their webs across every passway, so there is no other way to get round.
I have never purposely destroyed one to make way but I have walked through them unknowingly.
Spiders don't particularly worry me, but I avoid the webs if possible (unless they're in my house and I need to clean it), so I don't hurt the spiders. I think every creature, even the more 'unpleasant' ones has a place in our environment, so I try not to hurt anything.
I try to avoid damaging them. Spiders are useful creatures, particularly in mozzie season, so unless it's a deadly one in my own garden, I'll leave it alone.
I am dead scared of spiders and I would totally avoid going anywhere near them or their webs. But if I see a web in my house, I would definitely vacuum it off. Touching with hands?? No way
I don't like spiders one bit, but I'd never hurt one, nor destroy their webs. I'll just steer clear when I see one.
I'm not scared of many things but Spiders freek me out especially Huntman I will really have cold shivers down my spine.One was in my car and ran over my hand I left my car and caught a taxi home until my husband came home and we picked it up they a gross and they can bite thank god they have no web
Generally no. There are no poisonous spiders where I live. However there are some larger ones that I can't identity. In that case I kill them whenever the enter my house as I'm not quite sure if they could hurt my kids or wife.
If I see the web, I avoid it. For a while I had a spider who built a web from the light fixture to the awning over my side door. I kept forgetting about it and walking through it when I brought in the newspaper or post. That spider soon moved on.
Another one built a web across the keyhole to the trunk of my car. I used the inside opener for the trunk to avoid the web.
Get knocked down it it 'invades' where I need to walk with no alternative path!
Will always try to keep 'Nature as is'.
Many's the time I have had to put a 'Huntsman' back into the garden from house. Try & keep just one in the house at a time! No insects in my place, particularly those PIA geckoes, 'spidey' takes care of them for me!
Yes I avoid them, as you said I'd also be disappointed if mine was destroyed!
Hell yeah! I don't want it on me and I can't see the point of destroying it's home. If I have to take any action I will untether a couple of it's web anchors so that I can pass, that way it gets to put it back.
Yes - I will go out of my way to avoid breaking a web. Some of them are so beautiful, especially if they have some dew on them in the early morning. I will also take a spider outside if it has gotten in the house. I can never kill them.
Yes, I certainly do try to avoid them, after the spider has gone to so much trouble to build it in the 1st place! I like taking photos of them, but the photos never look as nice as the real thing! (Well not MY photos of them anyway!)
I take photos too.
One last try:
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Di I avoid spider webs….yes like the bloody plague.
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