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Do you avoid salespeople in department stores?

by Vee (follow)
Shopping (184)      Sale (4)      Avoidance Behaviour (2)     

Image by anitapeppers, via morguefile.com

There have been many times when I have effectively evaded salespeople targeting the unsuspecting passerby.

Do you avoid salespeople in department stores? Why or why not?

#Avoidance Behaviour
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I HATE with a passion anything like that.
You have asked when they 'Target' people...sure do.
Different if they are 'sale assistants''.

I don't have a great deal of money, so I like to just be in there to get what I need or want for that day.
If I need to find something I'll seek them out. Otherwise I'd prefer to avoid them because I don't want the hard sell if I'm just there to browse.
I avoid saes people on the street, but not in department stores, as they are genuinely there to help you rather than just trying to get you to buy something. Yesterday I was in a shop, and asked if I wanted a closer look at anything behind a cabinet, and I liked that because I wouldn't have asked otherwise.
You can usually gauge whether the shop assistants are the kind that harass you when you are trying to look around- especially in say Harvey Norman and other electrical shops where the staff members are fighting for a commission. That's who I tend to avoid!
Yes I try to avoid them.

It annoys me when they chase me around the shop asking if I need help. If I needed help I would come to them. I will usally walk out of a shop if more than one salesperson comes up to me and I'm happy to take my business elsewhere.
I do, especially the ones at perfume counters who want to spray you.
Oh my gosh, yes!
by Vee
It all depends on which shop.

Mostly nowadays it is so difficult to find a salesperson and I find there are very few who are actually interested enough to come up to you.

So for me, this is rarely a problem -if I say I am just looking, they leave you alone -not like in the past when they used to follow you around -THAT used to drive me crazy and I would often walk out.

When I shop I do not want to be pestered.
by Finy
I can never find one to avoid. I realise in places like Target, K Mart etc. that they are not MEANT to be required because everything has it's price etc. on it, but that isn't always the case when I am shopping. But in other stores, when sales people approach, I always try to explain that I am just looking and have no intention of buying. I also realise that they don't approach me out of choice, that they are usually instructed to do so and there is probably a manager sitting out the back watching them. My sympathy always lies with the worker, never the boss.
Yes, I don't like sales assistants that HIDE but I certainly don't want assistance until I ask for it. However, there are many shop owners/managers that cannot bear to have the sales assistant being visible and available. They have to have them bothering customers (which puts most customers off making a purchase) Owners/managers seem to feel that if the sales assistant isn't moving all the time that they aren't getting enough bang for their buck. It is a lot of fun if the manager is on site, to approach them and ask them to "call off" the sales assistant. It is not like the sales assistant want to be bothered asking you if you need assistance. People should think things through before canning sales assistants and checkout chicks (well any person that has had a job in the life anyway).
by fran.
The stores' I frequent, I'm usually known by 'name' if not by 'sight'. It's been like this for decades. They know I will approach them IF I'm definitely going to buy an item. Otherwise they just leave me alone to 'browse'. Works well for both parties'!
I do not like when they follow me around and look as if I am going to steal something. I rather to browse around and ask if I need help.
by Gia
Oh Gia, I was once accused of shoplifting by one of those that hawked.
by Vee
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