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Do you avoid going out when it's raining?

by lizzi (follow)
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Do you actively avoid going out when it's raining? For example: put off visiting people, skip errands etc

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No, if I've made a commitment to visit someone then I honour it regardless of the weather. Errands on the other hand..... well it would depend on what they were and how urgently they needed doing and whether I would be free to do them another day.
To be honest, given where I live, if I avoided doing things just because it's raining then I would never get anything done!
There's an old saying "There's no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing."
That's going to be my new favourite saying Verity!!
by lizzi
Not really, I love the rain!
If Brits didn't go out in the rain, we'd hardly ever leave the house.

If an errand needs doing, then the rain won't stop me doing it, but if it is an outing of pleasure, then I might put it off, depending on how heavy it is.

It is less the rain that puts me off going out, and more the cold.

Not all the time, there are things that have to happen in a day....that can't wait.
If I can avoid going out, I may take that option.
I HATE driving in the rain.
I HATE going out in the rain! However - I live in the tropics...where we have a wet season of approx. 4 months. During that time it sometimes rains continuously for weeks. So avoiding going out isn't possible. I have a bag for client meetings and it includes a change of shirt and a towel for "just in case" I get caught in a downpour. If I can avoid going out when it's raining I usually will - especially If I would have to take the kids. But more often than not it's just unavoidable.
No I don't avoid it. But then I don;t have to worry about it much as we dont seem to get that many rainy days in Melbourne.

Given how low our dams are getting I would rather see more rain or at least some influx of water from our highly controversial and exceedingly expensive desalination plant.
No I love the rain! It's more likely to make me go outside - unless it's to hang out washing - ha ha.
It depends on my mood. Sometimes I like walking in the rain. :)
During daylight, no problem.

But at night, prefer not, unless totally necessary.
Several weeks' ago, during really bad storm, I checked cost of a ticket I had for a Concert, & due ferocious weather, decided to stay home! I was happy with that decision as weather only got worse!
Also factored into that decision was the way others' drive on the road. I may not have an accident, but someone could hit me.

Discretion is the better part of valour, in this instance!
I will go out in the rain if I have made an arrangement of some sort, would not put it off.
otherwise will stay at home when it rains
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