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Do you and all your family always flush the toilet straight after using?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you and all your family always flush the toilet straight after use, or do you find you have to go and do it for anyone?

#Flush the toilet
#Toilet habits
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There is an old saying:
If it's yellow, let it mellow,
If it's brown,
flush it down.

I got this from a friend who has a very small apartment and the noise wakes her partner if she goes at night so they stick to this rule!

I do not have a problem as I live alone however if the toilet is right next to the bedroom I guess it would wake the other person up, so while I do not do this, there is definitely some merit in this saying!
by Finy
My mum always used to yell "You don't need to flush if it's just a wee!!!" I've always adhered to "if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down". Now that my daughter is toilet training though she likes to flush and, as we don't have water shortages at the moment, I let her flush all she wants!
Yes,always!!! I cannot imagine this being different under any circumstances as it is how I was raised!
My toilet must be flushed each time...we have the full flush or half.
So half will do most times.
I don't like the smell of 'pee'.

Yes...you can smell it in the water of the toilet bowl.
So we flush-flush-flush.
I will not compromise, unless we truly had too.
My other half has a nasty habit of not flushing if he gets up in the night . . . . I go into nuclear meltdown! Nobody deserves to face that in the morning . . . especially not my brother who gets up very early and drives for an hour and a half to visit me. His excuse . . ? "I didn't want to wake you." Pathetic. Folks, I slept through the Box Flat Mine explosion in the 70s!
by Rice
I'm hearing ya.
by jonaja
Flush all the time - someone does wee at night and doesn't flush I can smell the urine when it's my turn to go. Very important to flush after every time if you are using the ensuite toilet - don't want the urine smell permeating the clothes in the walk in wardrobe and wafting through the bedroom. Not sexy at all. Now when it comes to the "other than urine" you had better bloody flush and do a thorough check of the bowl before you leave that toilet and make sure the fan is on and if available the window open too. If you don't - I'll mention it to you in front of company or whomever in an attempt to remind you for next time !
We flush
by Gia
Always flush with the lid DOWN!! If the lid is up, there is a fine mist that floats around the bathroom and none of us wants this. If urine is left in the toilet bowl, it stains and leaves uric acids on the bowl that is hard to clean (eventually).
by Fran
If I were living by myself, I wouldn't to save water, but since I live with others, then I do.
Yes we do - my husband's snoring makes more noise than a flushing toilet!
I always flush - I have never even thought about not flushing
by AJ
Yes. But teaching my children is a different story.
Put a little 'sticker' of a picture say a 'red button' or how they get a treat, if they flush every day during the week.(treat on Sunday :)) It worked well with my boys.
by jonaja
not always when I pee, after a few times yes. water is a preciou resourse
Yes, always! Now that cisterns' have half & full flush, there should be no excuse NOT to flush!

If homes' don't have this model, well just go according to your normal habits!

During drought a few years ago we were on very tight water retrictions. We did not flush each time.

You might find this disgusting, but it is better that having no drinking water.
We showered standing in a basin and used that water to flush.
We are self sufficient in water now and I do not flush every time. At night and when I am home alone and my urine is pale from being very hydrated I leave it until after the next use.
During drought a few years ago we were on very tight water retrictions. We did not flush each time.

You might find this disgusting, but it is better that having no drinking water.
We showered standing in a basin and used that water to flush.
We are self sufficient in water now and I do not flush every time. At night and when I am home alone and my urine is pale from being very hydrated I leave it until after the next use.
It's only me who only uses the en-suite, so no I don't flush after a wee, every time neither. I think it's such a water waste. We don't have 1/2 flush/full flush taps. Our house is old!
by Miro
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