Do you always wear sunglasses when you go outside?

Do you always wear sunglasses when you are outside, and/or driving?
Does the glare bother you?
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I have the glasses that are multi-focal and change to dark when you go in the sun.
I do not think they go quite as dark as some sunglasses but it is far easier than having to get several pairs of prescription glasses, and having to change them over all the time.
I have very sensitive eyes, and the glare does bother me however have little choice, as would lose glasses if I was forever changing them over.
I know I SHOULD wear Sunnies ,but I DON'T!!!! I find them extremely uncomfortable,especially since having a bad accident where I broke several bones in my face and damaged the facial nerve in the left side.
Yes. I have prescription ones. There's a risk of developing cateracts if you don't and it's very sunny here so I don't want to walk around squinting all the time.
Yes I can';t go without them
I always wear them when I go outside or drive. I think the glare and the brightness bother me.
I do because my eyes are very sensitive to sunlight.
I have photo-wotsit glasses that darken in strong light and lighten again all by themselves. Not only for convenience (having to carry prescription sunglasses around everywhere just in case we get a glimmer of sunshine is a pain, not to mention expensive, and having to stop and wrangle with two pairs of glasses every time I go in or outside, on top of all the other crap I'm normally carrying.... well, it's not easy!) but also because I see better with slightly darkened lenses when out and about and this is the best way to achieve it.
I always wear sunglasses when I drive (clip ons). Otherwise I don't bother unless it is a very sunny day and I expect to be outside for a while, like on holidays.
For these times I have Fitovers which are fabulous as nobody can see that I have my normal glasses on underneath.
Most definitely! Have good quality Zeiss glass lenses in all of mine.
Glare is a huge problem for me. Even supermarket fluoro lights annoy me, so wear 'sunnies' anywhere glare is affecting my eyes!
Have worn sunnies all my life. Don't have even one 'crow's foot'!
I do not wear sunglasses and never have,
only glasses i have are to read with. long sight is perfect I can see things at a distance that most people cannot
I have about 15 sunnies I wear diferent ones daily to match my out fits the glare hurts my eyes if I don't.
Always wear sunnies when outside.. unless its raining.I can't bear the glare and even have a spare pair in the car at all times.
Dependent on the level of 'gloominess', I can wear my 'sunnies' when it's raining, as the glare, even then, can really annoy me.
I, too, lynep, keep a 'spare pair' in the boot of my car!
If I don't wear them, I get a bad headache.
Before I wore prescription glasses, I had 7 pairs of sunnies, with different colour frames, so they all matched my cloths. When I needed prescription glasses, I had Transitions, 'over' the prescriptions.
Now I don't need prescription glasses, I have bought my self 5 prs of sunnies, to match the dresses I wear, but I forgot to take a pr with me yesterday when I was going out, & didn't go back for them when I remembered I didn't have them in case I missed the bus. (I now think I should wear them as I'm leaving the house!)
I have transition lenses in my glasses so I don't need sunglasses as well.
Yes - 365 days of the year. Really don't like not wearing them. And a pet-hate of mine is seeing someone pushing a pram on a bright sunny day and the kid is sitting there squinting and half-blinded while the parent has sunnies on! Get your kids some sunglasses you twit!
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