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Do you always wear socks with runners?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Do you always wear socks when you wear runners or sandshoes, or do you sometimes go with no socks?

#Wear socks
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I always wear socks with shoes. If it's nice enough to go without socks, it's nice enough for sandals - end of story.
I like your thinking :-)
by Rice
Yes, I always wear socks with closed in shoes and particularly runners.

I hate the feel if I don't wear socks and I think it is not "clean" to wear no socks.

Feet usually sweat in this type of shoe so I do not think it is ideal to wear them without socks even though it looks good.

I buy some very small ankle socks that can only just be seen and they look OK.
by Finy
Finy, That looks like a tennis shoe in your photo doesn't it?
by Miro
YES I always wear socks with closed in shoes. If I have no clean socks then I will go with just some sandals or thongs.
by Vee
90% of the time I go without any socks, but I just wear canvas shoes.
Dead easy to wear, and clean...and comfy too :)
I do not wear runners,so I have to say No!!
Yes I do, just feel it is more hygienic, like wearing striped and dotted etc!
by Fran
Yes I wear socks with runners as much as I can. This allows the shoe's inside to be cleaner for longer.
I always wear socks with closed in shoes of any type.
Socks or similar, but that make you buy a bigger shoe size to fit with the sock, The feet take a while to get used to sandals in summer after being wrapped up all winter…hello blisters!
Just CANNOT wear shoes without socks! When working, wore 'footlets' with those shoes.

Mostly wear good quality 'walking shoes' now to go shopping etc. with COTTON socks for comfort & sweat absorption.
Always. My feet feel weird without socks inside any closed in shoe. We were taught that it ruins the shoe too.
by Rice
Oh! Rice, so true! Sweat rots the shoes, unless they comprise of ALL Leather!
by donjo
Sock wearers of the world, unite! Yeah . . !
by Rice
Yes, I always wear sox with my WALKING shoes. (Running is not supposed to be good for us, but a lot of people don't seem to mind, & just keep on running!!)
by Miro
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