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Do you always use fresh lemons for juice, or bought juice?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you always use fresh lemon juice for cooking, or do you sometimes use bought lemon juice?

#Lemon juice
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Fresh lemons.
by Vee
I spend easily, and on anything!
However for some odd reason I HATE to buy lemons - they are so expensive to buy and so many people have trees and too many lemons!

I always have some juice in the fridge (bought not home made) that I use occasionally however have noticed I am using it more lately as lemons seem to be scarce and indeed last time they had been imported from U.S. which I find strange!
by Finy
I buy limes. I really like them fresh. The bottled juice is not as good bit its a good substitute when they are scarce and expensive.
It really depends what I want the juice for. For cooking, I usually use the bought juice. It is so much easier and keeps longer. For cakes and lemon drinks, it would always be fresh.
If I need the zest, then I'll use a lemon, but otherwise I'll just use bottled lemon juice.
I use fresh lemons as I use the zest as well as the juice. Lemons freeze well so I freeze if my tree is fruiting or bulk buy if they are on sale.

Unless I am cooking my fish, which is always bottle juice, because I need a lot when I poach it.
I love salmon fillets, Jonaj, we eat them once a week. The lemons? I buy them for my G&T to use over fish, & in recipes. IF I happen to have run out before I do my next shop, I'll use the not nice stuff in the little plastic bottle, which I keep in the fridge as a last report! I suppose it's better than nothing!
by Miro
exactly :)
by jonaja
I hate that stuff in a bottle. I keep some in the fridge as a last resort, but it really has a funny taste to me and when I resort to it wish I hadn't. It's real lemons all the way for me!
Yes, sarah I agree! I think it must be preservatives as it smells wrong also and I also use it when I have no lemons
by Finy
I don't buy lemons very often but if I need lemon juice I will buy a fresh lemon
by AJ
I prefer fresh, especially on pancakes, however I do usually have a little bottle in the fridge "in case". I agree with others here that the bottled stuff tastes odd. I prefer berri over the cheaper ones but it seems to be disappearing from my supermarket.
by Rice
I have a lemon tree in my back yard so I definately prefer fresh lemons, but when they are not in season I buy the bought juice, if I have no choice.
I use fresh lemons or limes. I have some trees, which haven't cropped well lately. I have never bought the fake juice. I see my sister uses it and she is a very good cook, so maybe it has improved, since my days flatting with people. I would rather spend money on fresh fruit that buy other items.
Always fresh. I prefer lime over lemon and don't quibble over the price even when the price shoots up in the shops. My fruit bowls are never without them.
Fresh straight from the tree and I freeze a lot and use that when I have no more lemons to pick from our tree.
Fresh.. to me, it just tastes better.

I think I need to plant a tree...
Fresh is best.
YES! Fresh is defiantly best!
by Miro
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