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Do you always use BPA free plastic containers?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

BPA is considered dangerous in some instances as per this Australian standards article.

Do you use BPA free containers in the kitchen?

#BPA free
#Plastic bottles
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I would no longer buy any plastic that is not labelled BPA free.

I possibly still have a few that I use that are not but a lot of my containers are Tupperware which are BPA free, I believe though not sure about the older ones either.

I do not use plastic drinking bottles and have not for quite some time.

Probably ever since reading the first article on this -it is just another thing that is "bad" for you -among the many hundreds!
by Finy
I grew up with the ad . . "good things come in glass". I have never liked plastic and I remember back in the 60s and 70s it got a certain smell to it (probably the BPA!) and I could taste it in my school lunches. I do have a few plastic containers (sistema) and they are not too bad but mostly I use pyrex bowls with blue lids. I certainly drink from a glass at all times where possible. We have a couple of stainless steel drink bottles but even they are a bit weird to me.
by Rice
I have got used to the s/s drink bottles but yes, they were very weird at first! I think Sistema is now also bpa free.
Not sure about bottled water though
OR didnt think of it, plastic bags?
by Finy
Hmmm. No idea about plastic bags either. . . especially the coloured ones from Aldi - they are certainly not that thin recycleable stuff. Food for thought there, finy, for sure. I only drink bottled water if I absolutely have to and I have read a bit about how bad it is if those bottles are left in the car or in the sun. Ick.
by Rice
I almost wrote those exact same words!!! 'Good things come in glass.' Another
I have implanted in my brain is 'Butter makes it Better'.So true in both cases!!! I only use butter as I hate the taste of margarine apart from the ingredients!!!
What a huge pity that all the great things available in glass bottles are so much dearer to buy! I buy the Tasmanian 'Cascade' brand cordial which is so delicious and obviously made with real fruit!It is not cheap though,but I really don't care as the product is so superior to any of the cordials in plastic bottles I have found in a while!
by Jules
I can 'hand-over-heart' say I have never bought a plastic bottle of water at the shops or supermarket!! I am extremely distressed by the mountains of bottles which can be found in dumps all over the world,and I think that recycling by way of getting a small deposit,as in South Australia,and how it always was up until sometime in the 80's with all soft drink bottles when they were glass, SHOULD BE MANDATORY!!!!It was such a super way for kids to make a bit of pocket money and also keep our environment tidy!!! I do not like plastic bottles at all. Soft Drinks never seem to keep their fizz,and the flavour of things in plastic is not the same as glass and crockery! None of my plastic items(the unavoidable ones) contain BPA.These days is is just too easy to get hold of safer alternatives when we DO find we need to use plastic containers. Even my dogs have a huge Pyrex water bowl to drink from!! I fill it several times a day,but at least they are always able to drink cool clean water!
Mmmmmm. Butterrrrrrrrrrr. I made a fresh batch of Ghee yesterday too. Mmmm.
by Rice
My two ninnies will go to a plastic bucket every time over glass, pyrex or even terracotta. Must be the "dog refuge" mentality :(( I was thinking of buying a stainless steel dairy bucket to see if they would use that instead. Expensive if it fails though.
by Rice
There IS a big plastic bucket outside for the Fur Babies to drink from,which I am forever emptying onto the plants in my garden,and then refilling with fresh clean water,but they do now just tend to come and drink from the bowl inside!! Could be that it is so darned hot outside at the moment.Maybe they shall revert to drinking 'al fresco' again in winter?!
by Jules
Ah, that IS odd as my two will obstinately go to the OUTSIDE bucket even in the heat. They must be barmy.
by Rice
I was going to reply with 'or silly Ooojahs' ........but only a very few folk would even know what this means!!!!! Thank heavens for my precious old children's books! Now EVERYone can go and do some googling!
by Jules
Googly oogly oojahs!!! (ᵔᴥᵔ)
by Rice
All this smiling and fun is SO very good for us!!! Hee Hee Hee!!!
by Jules
I decided on a compromise. I filched a very large stainless steel mixing bowl from a new set that was hiding in the cupboard. (It heolds a bucketful!) I have put bubble wrap under it so that it isn't ruined and am going to see how it goes. If they take to it I will get a bucket - prices aren't as bad as I envisioned - because it will be more stable and substantial. Oooo-jahhhh.
by Rice
YES and Yes....anyone who has no idea? of the reasons why should do some homework!

Most important.
When buying plastic containers I do look for BPA free
by AJ
Yes, I always use BPA-free containers in the kitchen. "However the overwhelming weight of scientific opinion is that there is no health or safety issue at the levels people are exposed to." And how much BPA are we exposed to? And from how many sources? I don't know...a little BPA here, a little something else there...Surely, it must all add up.
by Vee
Pssssst . . I read in the Daily Mail a few years ago that, by law, sex toys have to be BPA free too. No hokey pokey with BPA. Bahahahaha.
by Rice
Thank God for that Rice!
by norma
I know, norma, there's just NO telling what VDs and STDs a BPA infection could
S. T. A. R. T. Haha.
by Rice
...just as well, I don't have a use for those...but good for those who do, I guess.
by Vee
Cracks me up, Vee, thinking about somebody walking into an adult store and loudly asking, "Do you stock BPA free accoutrements?" . . . "Nah, mate, you need glass". Wahahahahahaha.
by Rice
Oh my, lol, do they make glass products?
by Vee
Yes . . . . . glass d!ld0es. OMG!!
by Rice
I see. Thank you for answering my query lol.
by Vee
I have no idea. I don't really check which is not very good I know. The things I buy have not really said on them that I have noticed. I don't buy a lot of plastic containers. We have more than enough plastic containers and drink bottles so no need to buy anything new.
Only use Tupperware. No other plastic containers.
Any liquid in plastic bottles gets used very quickly!
It's the 'long keeping', that BPA's harmful.
I rely on plastic tupperware pretty extensively, and I wish I could say it was all BPA-free, but it's not. Definitely something I can breed out though. Great question to raise Finy!
I use a stainless steel water bottles and lunch boxes to avoid stuff like BPA and because they're practically indestructible so they last a long time. I use BPA free containers to store leftovers.
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