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Do you always start your evening meal at night, or do you prepare in the morning?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Do you ever prepare the meal in the morning, or do you always cook just before dinner?

#Prepare meal
#Evening meal
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No, I often start the meal in the morning as I go to my voluntary job 3 afternoons a week, and if I don't start in the morning, I generally will get take away those nights.

As I don't particularly like getting take away, I prefer to prepare in the morning.

Also sometimes I have time to spare in the mornings, so I do prepare early if it is the type of meal that lends itself to this.
by Finy
It totally depends on what I am having .If I am having something light,as per the question about Eggs on Toast,then I make it just prior to eating.
I prepare it that night
Depends what it is! If I can I prepare bits and pieces when I get the chance throughout the day - depending on when the kids are quiet! I use a menu plan for the week so I always know what I'm going to making each day and prepare as much as I can in advance.
6 times out of 7, our meal at night, is done at night.
If I have left over stew etc then that's fine.
I like all my food cooked fresh, always have.

I do get sick of cooking, but just can't pre- cook things too much....I just don't enjoy them.
I often cook my vegies in the morning or the whole meal (often a bowl meal) with some sort of protein and maybe a carbohydrate such as rice, pasta or noodles. I eat very simply really...
by Fran
Love the image!
I prefer slow cooking, so that's usually prepared hours in advance of actually eating. If it's a cook, serve and eat type of meal then my husband would usually do that whilst I'm putting our son to bed.
During the week I tend to prepare every meal the evening before. I also cook a lot of meals on a Sunday. Time can be very limited during the week
by AJ
I usually start the evening meal around 4pm and we eat between 5 and 6.
by Gia
Depends purely on meal being served, or if visitors' coming to Dinner.

When working, for our meal to come home to, used to prepare EVERYTHING down to the nth degree night before. Then placed in fridge & popped into large Crock-Pot in morning with stock, turn to Low & let it simmer all day. Came home to prepared, beautiful meal! And, of course, the smell wafting when front-door opened made us all the more hungry! With a well mellowed Australian red wine, yum!

Loved putting a Chook in with Veggies. Sprinkled Soy Sauce & Chicken herbs. Repeat 'yummies' of above & have cold Aussie White wine!
My husband has been the cook in our house since he retired a couple of years ago. I doubt he ever starts the meal int he morning but he does get things ready in the afternoon a lot of the time.
always cook the meals at just before mealtime
then it goes to table nice and hot to enjoy
I usually look up my online recipes in the morning, or if the meat needs to marinate for a few hours, I'll try & do that in the morning.
by Miro
I usually cook my evening meal at night , then serve. I don't know what I am going to feel like eating for dinner in the morning.
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