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Do you always have to sit in 'your chair'?

by Shelley Murphy (follow)
Shelley Murphy Counsellor & Psychotherapist Masters of Counselling & Psychotherapy UofA Member of the ACA College of Supervisors Level 3 Member Australian Counselling Association Email: [email protected] Web: AdelaideAnxietyTherapy.com https:/ www.facebook.com/ShelleyMurphyCounselling/ @GrowinEsteem
Habits (39)      Chairs (1)     

Project Gutenberg sourced from Wikimedia commons.

Do you always sit in the same chair in your house? Is it known that people can't sit in that chair because it is your chair? Do you get annoyed when you find someone sitting in your chair?

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Yes, because it's the comfy chair. ;)
Seriously, I have a chair that's different from all the others in the house, it's lower so I can sit up straight in it with my feet on the ground. Most chairs are too high for me to do that because I have short legs relative to the length of my torso so sitting in them makes my feet go numb.
Oops, hit enter too early. Mostly people notice that it's different, but I don't get annoyed if they want to sit in it. When I was pregnant it was really the only chair I could use because in a higher chair my pelvis would tilt backward which is bad for fetal positioning (if you do that all the time you can end up with a baby that's facing the wrong way which makes for a longer labour) so then I used to ask people politely to move if they sat in it. It doesn't matter as much now.
I tend to sit on the same spot on the sofa but it's not really my place and I don't mind if visitors sit there.
Yes one should have their own chair, if an Adult.
It's like would you let others sleep in your bed?
It's one thing we like to have as our own.
When we sit around the dinner table we all have our own chair, but in the living room I don't have a seat I call my own. When I was at school and university, however, there was always a particular place I would prefer to sit, and I would be annoyed if someone was sitting there.
No, since we moved into our new place I don't have a special chair just for me!

No, i don't particularly care which chair I sit on.
by Vee
Actually, yes I do -it is something handed down to me by my parents.

I was not allowed to sit on my father's chair, and somehow, even though I vowed some things I would not do that my parents do, this is one I obviously have learned.

Occasionally when I have visitors, someone sits on my chair, but unless they are really good friends, I will not say anything.

Now that I think about it, it is quite a stupid habit.
by Finy
I don't sit down much, except at this computer. Could count on the fingers of my right hand how many times I've sat down for breakfast in the past month.
Had tolaugh at my 2 year old grandson the other day when he told my husband quite firmly that he was sitting in Mummy's chair. He is obviously the self appointed guardian of "her chair".
At work, had a specific chair placement, which suited me 100%! Had my name on back & underneath it, so if it had been 'moved' I could find it again! But most colleagues' knew it was 'my' chair! Used it for EIGHT years', before I left. If I could've bought it to take home, I would've, it was soooo comfy, for me!
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