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Do you always finish everything on your plate even when you eat out?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: thestir.cafemom.com

Do you always eat everything on your plate, even when you are eating out?

Or do you tend to leave a bit?

#Eat up
#Leave plate clean
#Empty plate
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I generally do always finish what is on my plate.

I am rather greedy when it comes to food, and probably comfort eat at night.

It is rare that I do not finish my meal, and also when I am eating out, I generally leave nothing on the plate!
by Finy
I don't always eat everything on plate - portions in restaurants are usually way too big
by AJ
I was taught never clean your plate, leave maybe 10%....So I do.

Unless ? you feel that it would 'warrant' you to eat everything.

That is the rule I follow all the time.
At home too? Doesn't that waste a lot of food?
Not at home, only when I am out.
I always plate-up just what I can eat.....which isn't much these days.

by jonaja
Nope. If I don't like it I won't finish it. If there's too much for me I might ask for a doggy bag. There's no point continuing eating if you aren't hungry and aren't enjoying it. Conversely I wouldn't leave food there if I want to eat it.
Yes I generally do...I was also taught to eat everything on my plate when little! But also I love food!!
by fran
I only eat everything up if I want it. I was lucky in that my mum brought us up to eat as much as we needed and not to feel that we had to clear the plate. She had grown up in the war when food was scarce and even many years later, ate every last scrap she was given, long after she was full, so she was determined that we wouldn't have the same compulsion.
Depends. A lot of restgaurant meals are so super sized these days there's no way I could comfortably eat them all. I don't have a problem leaving some.
I try to order just as much as I will eat so I won't waste much. Sometimes that is hard when the portions are too bit. Sometimes my kids will help eat what's left. I have 2 boys, so I am sure that as they get bigger we will have no problem with food waste!
Oops - too "big".
Since i serve myself i only take what I want so no need for leftovers.
i am a member of the clean plate club.
by Gia
Yes, if appetising food!
If item not liked, it's left!
Like small portions, so usually all consumed.
Yes, I’ve always finished everything on my plate,
both at home, & eating out, oh yes, except for a 2’ piece of garlic bread last week while eating out. The 2 large pieces of garlic bread came with the pasta prawn dish, I’d ordered. A lot of people eating on cruise ships pile their plates with food, then leave 1/2 of it. It’s so wasteful.I think of all those people starving around the world.
These days, I can't eat the hot chips that come with the meal! Next time I'm ordering lunch, I'll have to remember to say, "No chips thank you" They should actually make the meal $2/3's cheaper, without the chips, which I'll ask them about next time, as the last 2 lunch dates I've been on with a friend, I couldn't eat the chips as well as everything else on the plate. Or I may just order an entree instead of a main, then I can order dessert!
by Miro
No, if I have eaten and feel full I may leave some of the meal on my plate.
Whether I am eating in or out for a meal.

most of the time
definitely if i'm paying 4 it ha ha !
No. I don't always finish what is on my plate. I eat until I am full, so if there is food leftover, so be it. I am not prepared to become ill by finishing everything on my plate, if I am already full. Restaurants in particular always give large servings. If I am at home, I can control the amount of food on my plate, and I don't serve myself too much, more than I can comfortably eat.
You bet I do! It wasn't free was it?
I even eat everything on my plate at home!
by Miro
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