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Do you always buy the same few cheeses, or do you experiment?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you buy the same cheese all the time, or do you experiment with new ones regularly?

#Different cheeses
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I buy mainly Jarlsberg however I just love most cheeses.
I will experiment with any cheese and this is a habit I learnt from my European parents who also taught me not to say "yuck" to any food.

I love Brie, Camembert, St Paulin, Blue cheese, Esrom (a lovely smelly one!), matured, Kraft (yes!), and others I can't think of.

The only one I don't like apart from in cooking, is goats cheese.

But as I said Jarlsberg is my staple order every week.
by Finy
I have been very adventurous lately with trying different cheeses. A German friend has taught me to LOVE goats cheese, and the ones we have bought are infused with different flavours. I don't buy a lot of cheese because it causes you to put on weight. I like camembert, brie, tasty and a few new ones we have tried. I also like fetta and ricotta in cooking, as well as marscapone. I don't eat cheese on a regular basis, but I love it all the same
do you eat the goats cheese on sandwiches, or how?
by Finy
Hi Finy !! We usually have it on crackers or on a cheese platter. YUM 😋
by Lluxi
I love cheese, but sadly as I get older it can pack on a bit of weight.
So I do not succumb to temptation more than once in a blue moon, and only stick to my fav blue-cheese.
I just stick with what's good. But I don't have cheese often
Cheese is my weekness.
I recently went to a cheese factory and spent WAY to much money.. But loved that they had lots of samples to try. Current favourite is Havati with Chives.. delicious

Havarti is nice!
by Finy
I tend to buy the same types of cheese. I will try different types if I'm in a restaurant or offered cheese at someones house.
by AJ
I like many different cheeses, and often try new ones.I do not however like any of the Blue Cheese varieties.They are just too strong for me.Havarti is to die for and I also enjoy Masdaam.which is similar to Jarlsberg. Different cheeses have totally different uses with their textures and flavours so I would never just buy one or two!!
I regularly bhy the samd cheeses for eating and cooking but iv i6see aanew one that takes my eye, I will try it. One of my grandsons is 4 years old and he's a grazer eating small amounts of food during the day but he lives on cheese. My daughter has so many varieties in her fridge and he prefers cheese to any other food.
that's quite unusual helga, for a young child!
by Finy
Gosh. Don't know what happened with my keyboard there. Yes Finy. He would eat cheese all day if he could. He's allowed the odd snack during the day and has his fruit and cereal but that's about it. The doctor said not to be concerned as he's otherwise quite healthy. He prefers the tasty cheeses and sometimes has crackers with the cheese but otherwise just eats cheese on its own.
by helga
Himself has a little grandson who always asks me for cheese when he comes here. Maybe it's a protein thing . . . growing boys etc.
by Rice
My parents should have called me CHEESE instead of Annalisa! I love cheese of all types even though I do react adversely with bloating. BUT as much as I try and limit the cheese I do eat (I admit I can't stay away from it) I will try and eat only good quality cheese and mix it up and try new varieties. The last cheese I bought (a couple of weeks ago) was Gorgonzola Dolce.
Did you like it, Annalisa? I just bought some to-day, for the 1st time, after reading a recipe that used it, last week.
by Miro
LOVE it! For something really simple spread a little of the cheese on a slice of pear and drizzle a little bit of honey on top!!! Also mix it into pasta or spread on crackers with some avocado - goodness I'm starting to drool!!
My husband can only eat lactose free products. We both love cheese and used to buy several different kind of cheeses. There is only on lactose cheese on the market which is not bad.
I tend to buy the same ones. My mother-in-law bought a cream cheese the other day, which I wouldn't have picked. Cream cheese with apricot and almond. It was delicious.
by Vee
I love lots of different cheeses but, for convenience, I usually have my tasty slices for grilling or sandwiches. Jarlsberg, Maarsdam. St Claire, White Castello, Havarti, Edam . . . . mmmm. Just off to have a cheese and banana sandwich then . . .
by Rice
I usually buy the the Mainland vintage,but I tend to buy other cheeses if I am going somewhere out, or when we go away at New Year's we go to a caravan park and have happy hour, so I do buy different ones to share.
We mostly eat block tasty cheese, but I also love,
Jarlsberg, cream cheese, ricotta, Brie, feta in salads, Camembert, & Blu Vain. In the fridge at the moment I have a Parmigiano Reggiano, & a couple of months ago, I bought a Gorgonzola Dolce to have in a couple of pasta dishes, (when I wasn't eating it on it's own!!!) Yummy!
by Miro
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