Do you always brush your teeth twice a day, or do you sometimes miss?
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I brush twice a day probably 98% of the time -it is rare that I do not brush at night as wake up feeling awful -very occasionally I will also forget in the morning if I get carried away with other things!
I cannot imagine not b rushing my teeth twice a day!! It was ingrained into my psyche when just a tiny toddler ,like washing hands after using the loo!!!
I always brush my teeth twice a day. If they are feeling particularly gritty, I might brush three times, but not very often.
I always brush them first thing in the morning and just before I go to bed - I do it automatically.
At least twice maby 3.. Also been coconut oil pooling in the morning great way to kill bacteria
Coconut oil is a good one. I've started using it of late.
I am paranoid about brushing my teeth twice a day...cannot stand people with bad breath etc...
Twice to three times a day for me.
Always have, and won't stop now :)
It's the last part of my morning shower routine and the last part of my bedtime routine!
I try to brush and use mouthwash twice every day, but sometimes I miss. Often if the kids are asleep I pee before I brush my teeth...and of course the noise of the toilet wakes one of them or I just decide that teeth brushing is too noisy and not worth the risk of waking a toddler!
Guess I am the odd one out here, and I'm somewhat embaressed to admitt it. I brush at least once a day, twice if I'm motivated and three times if I'm paranoid. If my mouth feels clean, that's good enough for me. (Baby in image is not my son, LOL).
I brush my teeth twice a day. i can't go to sleep if i don't brush my teeth in the night.
me neither - nights are toilet, shower and teeth or i can't sleep. Strictly in that order
Morning - toilet, coffee, teeth or I can't wake up.
same here - I can't go to sleep unless my mouth and breath feel clean - apart from the fact that it's not nice for the person one sleeps with if you have bad breath.
Most of the times I do. Must be more though not less.
Always at least twice a day. Sometimes need to brush 3 times as I have dry mouth and it's pretty hard to remove food without using a pick and brushing.
I only bother cleaning my teeth twice a day, if I’m going out, & then before bedtime. That’s it, I’m afraid.
Sometimes my morning teeth cleaning is closer to lunch time if I get busy and distracted during my second cup of tea. I always brush my teeth before I go out and always before I go to bed, so it would be rare not to brush twice a day.
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