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Do spider webs inside bother you, or do you leave them?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Do spiders on your ceilings etc. bother you, or do you leave them there?

#Spider webs
#House webs
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Out ya go!

is what I say.
Oh! jonaj, poor 'Itsy-Bitsy'.......
by donjo
No poor it'sy bitsy! out ya go!.......lol no free loaders.
by jonaja
Yes they do bother me as I think they look awful.

I therefore have my house sprayed yearly, when I have a white ant inspection, so I do not have spiders inside even though they only spray outside for them.

It also lasts more than a year and is well worth the $120 that I pay for it yearly.
by Finy
Spiders do not bother me at all,as they help to eliminate such insects as mosquitoes,of which there are plenty in the tropics! I do,however like to clean the webs from INSIDE the house, on the rare occasions when they are in view! I do photography and have actually taken some amazingly beautiful close-up shots of the small and delicate webs out in the garden early in the morning when they have a sprinkling of dew on them which the sun lights up like jewels!! Charlotte's Web was a favourite book of mine as a child and I see these things in a pleasing and artistic way,rather than wanting to just destroy them all without prior thought!!
Spider webs are amazing! So glad to hear you take pictures of them. There is so much around us that is so marvellous and miraculous. The length of the fibre is supposed to be a few kilometres in length and there is so much of literature on this creature and its web. The Quran likens the world to a spiders web and a chapter is dedicated to it.
I did a very in-depth assignment about the spider's webs when I was in grade 8,back in the 70's;as I was so fascinated by their beauty and their strength(in comparison to the creature which made it,of course!).I have retained this appreciation all of my life! I see some gorgeous ones here in North Queensland in the trees.I guess they bring memories back to me of all the wonderful delicate images which the Golden Age illustrators included in their Fairyland pictures!!! It is little wonder that I love seeing them out in the open.
The ones we tend to find indoors are a different story though,with little of that beauty which which I see in the ones in my garden!
by Jules
We just leave them there. We also have some in our 19 year old car as well!!
We don't get many inside the house, and when they do appear, they are usually so high up that they don't particularly bother me.
Ww are lucky because we don't have any spider webs in our apartment. But if we did I would use the vacuum to get rid of them
by AJ
Yes, they bother me a lot. I can't wait to vacuum them and clean up the house. Once I have spotted them I keep it in mind where they are and when I vacuum the next time, I get rid of them. Few years ago I remember I used to spray and get rid of the spiders but now I hate killing them, so if they are within reach I carefully put a tissue on them wrap and drop them outside. Feeling good for not killing them.
I am so glad that you no longer kill the spiders!! The ones we get in our houses generally are extremely useful critters to have around!! I also will put them outside rather than kill them.I do however have a healthy respect for the poisonous varieties,which I will get a professional in to remove!
by Jules
Hi Jules, I once got into serious trouble for killing a snail whilst repotting my orchids. My daughter who was helping me just left in tears saying how cruel I could be. Since then, I try not to kill any living creatures rather look at ways of getting them out of the way.😊
We rarely get spiders webs inside. If we do, they are easy enough to remove. The house looks a bit unclean and neglected if there are webs around. We get them outside under the eaves, but not really inside.
We rarely get spiders webs inside. If we do, they are easy enough to remove. The house looks a bit unclean and neglected if there are webs around. We get them outside under the eaves, but not really inside.
The teeny ones are okay but the large huntsman spiders actually make me feel physically sick.
This is where my husband earns his pay! Out they go to play outside!
Yes, I was bitten by a white tailed spider a few years ago and needed an injection.
I couldn't raise my arm for a week with the swelling.
Now I will not have a spider of any type in the house.

Farle/y, We've had lots of white tipped (not called tailed!) spiders in our house, & so far, none have tried to bite us, but I guess it will happen 1 day!
by Miro
Spiders anywhere bother me. I don't get many inside but outside they pop up overnight. As soon as I see them I get rid of them
I leave them alone, wherever they are!
Don't have any inside, but used to get Huntsman spiders at former home, which are the best insect catchers!
Don't bother me at all, I leave them as they are the best insect catchers as most of you say... poor little spiders have to live and eat too, they are scared of us - have you noticed the size difference between them and us!
Yes, brigi, the poor little things.
by Miro
I feel bad for displacing them. Usually I will wait for them to die - if they are somewhere where they can't be readily seen. Otherwise, I will get rid of them.
by Vee
They bother me anywhere. I am flat out terrified of spiders. I have an agreement with spiders - stay out and you can go about your business; come in and you will get a can of spray unloaded on you. (and then hit with the empty can) Show me a Huntsman and I completely lose my mind. NOT a good thing when driving. Sadly, we have BIG spiders in Australia. *looks over shoulder and under desk just in case*
by Rice
I love to have spiders in the house especially now that tiny moths have come to my city. I sweep them down when they get dusty as the spiders don't want them any more.
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