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Do school holidays affect you in any way?

by Finy (follow)
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Do school holidays/vacation affect you in any way?

#School holidays
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Yes - I babysit for two of my grandchildren once a week.

Also I tend not to go out as much as there are too many children around in certain shops.

So, yes I guess school holidays affect me even though my children are grown up and have their own children!
by Finy

I try and steer clear where there are lots of children, for fear of being tripped up.

They are very fast, and I never know where the heck they are in shopping centres & supermarkets.

It's funny but they affected my family even when we were home educating because it changes the number of kids who are out and about in places like the library and shopping centres. Now that we're schooling it determines when we can go away on holidays, unfortunately.

Only if I'm also on holiday somewhere overseas and find myself surrounded by kids. Otherwise I really don't keep an eye on the school holidays very much
It makes child care complicated and really makes me appreciate my mother and mother - in - law. Sibling rivalry gets old too, with the extra time together. Absolutely!
Kids' in large Shopping Centres' are right pains in the a$$!

They run around, run backwards, not caring at what speed they're going. They push, shove, scream, & shout.

Have been nearly knocked over several times, but lucky am still nimble afoot, so have avoided falling.

Parents' don't discipline them any more, & don't teach them manners' for being in public.

I avoid the above scenarios' mucho poss during holidays, or go shopping when they've all gone home.

Only positive is traffic decreases.
Not really I used to sometimes babysit for my neighbour,but the kids are older now and I no longer need to do this. The only thing I do not like particularly is when I have to go to the shopping centre during the school holidays as there seem to be so many more people about. I just avoid the peak periods when there are 'Vacation Activities' happening,and so even this is not a real bother.
Not much really. I do try to avoid some public places during school holidays.
by Gia
No, not really. There is less traffic on the roads in school holidays, so I don't mind. There may be more kids around at the shops, but I am not the kind of person who lets something like that get to me.
I mind 2 grandsons twice a week so no difference there but I do notice there is far less traffic on the roads.
Yes. There is less traffic on the road. I love it.
by Vee
No. I try to ignore children whenever possible.
by Rice
Ditto mate, ditto! Horrible creatures...
by poppy
Not really, except for the fact that the road is not as busy when I'm travelling to work, I think it's great. When my son was younger, I used to take time off work to take him out somewhere, now he's older ofcourse it's different,
Yes, we stay away from visiting places like the Sydney Maritime Museum, & shopping malls!
by Miro
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