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Do regularly take breaks from the internet?

by lizzi (follow)
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Holiday (90)      Internet (56)      Social Media (26)      Computers (23)      Gone fishing (1)     

Taking a break from the internet and getting out in nature. Image from my own library.

It can sometimes feel like our lives are being taken over by the internet and social media. Do you make an effort to regularly take breaks or cut back on internet time?

#Social Media
#Gone fishing
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Yes, you have to take a break.
Anything done in excess....no matter how important, is bad for health.
Esp looking at the computer screen for hours and hours at a time.

Also you have to get up and move, get the blood moving.
Creative ideas can also come better, just having that 10 to 15 min break.
As busy as I am.....I make sure I look after me.

I have to sleep sometimes!!!

Om a serious note, yes I do.I love internet free holidays!
I don't, simply because I earn money from working online, and if I miss a day online, I miss vital earnings. Also, if I take a break for a while, my inbox would be so full when I got back, it would tae forever to go through them all.
My partner has just started working again - so I've been spending my days with the kiddies. Which makes getting on the internet difficult. So I've been cutting back on my weekday use of the internet. It has been hard, because I get my income from writing and working on-line. So I've had to try and work out ways to work smarter not harder! So I got a smart phone and I use it to check my messages and notifications so that when I get out to the computer (my study is sort of spate to the house) I can just do hub garden stuff, and writing and not be "wasting" time checking facebook notifications. But I LOVE having some time away and getting out in nature. I also find that having a break helps get the creative juices flowing.
by Vee
Yes it's a very liberating feeling - considering we rely on it so heavily. Nothing like a bit of self discipline !
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