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Do people still visit The Vatican?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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Image courtesy of Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee / Freedigitalphotos.net

Is a trip to The Vatican City still on the to-do list of travelers? If so, is it still a religious journey, or do people go for other reasons?

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I guess some people still visit the Vatican, but probably isn't as popular as it used to be. People are more into more modern architecture.
I visited when I was in Italy, and my sister recently visited as well, during her travels in Europe. Neither of us are particularly religious, but the Vatican City is a sight of beauty and a great piece of history to visit. From the numbers of people that queue every day to get entry, I would say it is still a very popular attraction.
My main reason for visiting was to see the Sistine Chapel, which was just amazing, particularly the Last Judgement by Michaelangelo. I don't think there are many people who aren't awestruck at the beauty of this.
If a female is fortunate to be invited for an 'audience' with the Pope, she should be wearing a minimum knee length black dress, with sleeves & a black Mantilla on her head.
She would be told what to wear by Vatican officials prior.
by donjo
The Vatican is a place where Catholics have a great connection.Where the Pope lives and works from, and a Holy Place to visit.

Where it is now on the list of places to visit,as people did many years ago....could very well be true.I have never seen anything less than thousands of people, try to see the Pope from his balcony.It is still a religious journey.
Travellers, tourists and local Romans who visit Vatican City are in for a surprise: Swiss Guard officers will turn away women with bare shoulders or wearing a mini skirt, or anyone wearing shorts. At the Vatican, too much skin is taboo.
The picture on the left, shows a 'act' of humility as we see the Pope washing the feet and kissing them, of ordinary people(and also men in jail).
The washing of the feet, (was also done by Jesus).

I didn't know that about the dress code when I visited (goes to show you should do your research I suppose!) Fortunately I usually don't have much skin showing anyway.

I did see the Swiss Guards apprehend someone who decided to run into an area tourists weren't supposed to go into. It was quite impressive. Just because they're in crazy coloured uniforms doesn't mean they don't know their stuff.
Oh they know their stuff.
Same for the Queens Guards....they have been known to get very angry with people.(And children) :( I think that's really mean.
by jonaja
Jonaj, why is it 'mean' for Palace Guards to do their job?

In what you say, problem seems to be, as is too often these days, parents' WON'T control their child/ren.
The Guards are 'Soldiers of the Queen', they've a job to do, ie protect the Queen. Basically, when one is in the Military, you do as commanded. The alternative, doesn't even bear thinking about!
You object to that, do you? Am very curious why you'd say that.
by donjo
Hello Jennifer......
The 'crazy coloured uniforms' of the Swiss Guard, who protect the Pope, have a long, important history. Maybe you should check it before making such a derisory, ill-informed comment.
by donjo
donjo:..............if you see how they scream on Youtube at kids just being kids(little kids mind you)...Fair enough if an Adult, but what little kid is going to do something dreadful! it's a tad overkill.
by jonaja
donjo:...you like to 'challenge' but it's not always a good idea. :) we keep it simple in here and as friendly as possible.
by jonaja
I went there about ten years ago to see the art. I wouldn't have gone there just to see the Vatican, but since I was going to be in Rome anyway I wasn't going to miss the Sistine Chapel.
I am not of the particular faith that is represented by the Vatican, but if I had the chance to visit Italy and could go to the Vatican, I would go for the historical significance of this most amazingly beautiful city within a city.
It was for me about 10 years ago. The art was spectacular and everywhere. I'm not sure of anywhere else in the world I could go to see art like that in such a concentrated space.
I can't say it would be on my to do list. I'm not a fan of religious tourism. i'm sure it must give plenty of people satisfaction and meaning in their lives but I do not need to visit this kind of opulence knowing there are 100's people dying in refugee camps and on the the streets of malnutrition every day. I think all the churches wealth could be much better spent.
It would be nice if you please do not use the F word in this arena.
Your input is very valuable, but we all like to keep it user friendly.... pweeze :)
by jonaja
Maybe you should pen a letter, with your thoughts, to the Pope, butterfly lady!
Maybe he hasn't heard such 'wisdom' before, & would appreciate learning of it!

Your picture is insulting to many. Remove it from your comment, if you're game, & can.
by donjo
Im sure some people still do.
by Finy
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