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Do people really get wiser as they get older?

by Finy (follow)
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Do people really get wiser as they get older, or is this a myth?

#Wise old person
#Old person
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I think some people get wiser as they get older, but there are some that couldn't wisen up if they lived several lifetimes.
by Vee
you ARE funny Vee!
by Finy
LOL, thanks Finy. I wasn't trying to be.
by Vee
I actually think we do as we have lived longer, and experienced more, so we must be wiser!

That's my story and I'm sticking to it, as they say.
by Finy
Yes I do believe we do as....we have lived a long time and experienced so many ups and downs and MUST have learnt a lot along the way...however it is sad that in Australia this knowledge is not really respected enough and accessed.....Being older gives you incredible insights I believe..you generally become a better person (so long as you can keep the complaining at bay and not become grumpy old women/men!!!!!!!!!!!)
by Fran
Apparently, evidently, obviously not. Look at the current government.
Life's a great teacher, so I'd say yes.
Yes I believe so, although in fairness there are a lot who never learn from their mistakes.
they get wiser.

Wisdom is by experience and life, and you have to be older to get both.
r u saying it is good to be old then!!
by Finy
lol...we look at me I not only have all the answers, but with pictures!! :)

by jonaja
Experience provides wisdom. The longer people are here the more experiences they have, therefore the wiser they are.
by AJ
I think so. They earn more life experience, they learn from their past successes and failures. Then, it's also up to the person. There are those who will never get wiser and there are also wise kids.
I think that if we do NOT get wiser as we get older,then there must be a major problem somewhere in the wiring of the brain,otherwise we are simply lazy!!!!
How on earth with all the experiences we have gone through,both good and bad,could we NOT learn from life's journey!!
I think there are some older people who become wiser - but there are plenty who aren't (but think they are)!
It really depends. Although as we get older we definitely learn more about life and human nature, whether that translates into genuine wisdom is debatable.
Vee has the right idea. I think wisdom comes not only from experience but the ability to learn from that experience, and even more, the want to learn. It's these three things that make you more wise. Age alone doesn't do it, in my opinion.
only if they want to. we have to learn from our mistakes and remember not to make them in the future. Hence a wiser person are you.
Yes is the answer provided the person has even the most basic level of intelligence?
If I could take all the accumulated knowledge from this life back to the starting point and try again my life would be even better than it is now.
A smart young person should find a successful older person and adopt them as a mentor.
This would help them avoid problems and assist them to succeed.
The younger person could repay the favour in the relationship by helping the older generation to gain an understanding of new technologies and systems.
It is called caring and sharing.

Its a yes and no that Do People really get wiser as they get older. I have come across a few friends and family the older they get the more sillier they get, but as for me yes the older i get i become more wiser.
Not necessarily.
Generally speaking, people should. However the reality is that some people never learn from their mistakes and never wizen up!
Yes, it's called 'life experience' & makes up for old age!
Some do, some don't. I hope I am in the former!
Those who do can draw on Lifes Experiences and therefore probably can come under the "Wiser" heading
I think to an extent this is true, mainly because I think as we age we are more measured in our decisions, judgements, opinions etc.
I think we get wiser by the mistakes we have made along the way and the outcomes. The more mistakes the more wiser I think or maybe Im wrong. Who knows!
Some do, others just get older with the same attitudes and stupidity.
Well not with me, unfortunately! My brain must have gone of the rails somewhere.
by Miro
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