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Do kangaroos really fight like this, and have you ever seen them?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: En.wikipedia.org

Do kangaroos really fight like this?

Have you ever seen them fighting?

#Kangaroos fighting
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Having lived in the country, and having seen kangaroos running wild, etc. I have never seen them fight.

However the ones I saw were fairly tame and it was the same lot all the time.

I DO believe that this is the way they fight, and they also drown dogs who chase them by leading them to water and then jumping on them and keeping them underwater -horrible!
by Finy
Not horrible at all - seems very sensible to me. You could say the dogs are being horrible for chasing the kangaroos in the first place.... but of course they're not. They are both just behaving according to their natures. Dogs chase and kangaroos defend themselves.
a horrible way for a dog to die....
by Finy
I could believe that they would do that to a dog....(maybe placing it in the 'Dingo' category).
Just a thought......
by jonaja
Yes, I have seen a pair going 'hammer and tongs' in the middle of a road. We had to find a house in the street which was before we got to them. I don't think they would have stopped sparring even if we had driven through!
I haven't never seen kangaroos fight so I don't know if they do fight like this - I have been told that they do though by propel who have actually seen it.
by AJ
No not in person...well you know what I mean!
Only on TV. Most male animals fight for territory or females to mate with (even humans at times)
by fran
Wow! That's almost a super power! I've never seen kangaroos in the flesh, the zoos I've visited have not had any. I believe they fit in the category of "looks very cute and cuddly but really is rather fierce" along with koalas and polar bears. Awesome.
There was recently a news item showing two kangaroos fighting in a suburban street in New South Wales. http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/video/2014/oct/07/kangaroos-boxing-match-australia-street-video
Absolutely. The picture you've posted show two 'Big Red' kangaroos, most likely two males trying to impress the ladies. Their tails are almost entirely muscle and they can prop themselves up on them. They use their powerful legs to kick, and large claws to scratch.
The Reds are the more aggressive and larger of kangaroo species. There are also Grey kangaroos. They are usually pretty docile and can be found in the wild and every now and then encroach on suburban areas, like in Queensland, for example.
Do not approach wild kangaroos. They are more than capable of knocking a full grown human to the ground and causing serious injury. Kangaroos are in zoos all over Australia and they often give you the chance to get up close and personal with the animals that way.
I live in Australia, and kangaroos are plentiful, especially in more rural areas. They are almost like an Australian alternative to American deer.
Not in person but I have seen a lot of videos on Youtube...
by BK
I have seen them fighting.
This is how they fight.

Never heard of the Dogs?....but I would say (maybe it was Dingo's?) who they would also do it too, in the beginning.
I don't know.....just a thought, as I was writing this.
That would make perfect sense, when they are all out in the wild together.
No Jonaj -I had a German Shorthair Pointer and once met a man at the beach who I got to talking ot. He told me that he lives on a farm and two of his precious dog had been killed that way. They have the most beautiful nature however they are pointers, so tend to chase things.....he watched helplessly once when a roo did this to his dog....
by Finy
I agree.

I'm just thinking somehow the kanga's do it, maybe they have since being around...with Dingo's and put even Dog's in the same (basket)...as a way to protect.Dingo's look like Dogs , and they just pick on any poor Dog now?
by jonaja
I never realised until coming to North Qld just how powerful and territorial Kangaroos can be,especially the Big Red ones which are really rather phenomenal to see in the wild. Kangaroos do an enormous amount of damage to farms,to crops and to fences ,all costing the poor farm owners a huge amount of money every year. If you are unlucky enough to hit one while driving at night,the entire front end and engine of your car can be wiped out.This explains why so many vehicles up here have Bull Bars fitted to the front of them This happened to my son about an hour's drive from here,and he was a physical and mental wreck after it,almost as damaged as the car!!!! When these animals box,they really put their all into it and it is rather frightening to witness.My advice is to stay well clear!!!
I've seen it often , living in the country. Like all animal's, when the ladies are looking for a mate. The males get testy with each other. And can be a territory thing as well.
Yes, they do. And yes, I've seen them.
Don't ever try to fight one, as they balance on their tail & use their very sharp claws of hind paws' to scrape you down from throat to stomach to disembowel. Not nice!
Yes and it terrifies me! My grandfather once saw a kangaroo defend itself against a large pair of large dogs - in the words of Grandpa "he ripped them to shreds as if they were toys"
Unfortunately it is true about the dogs, it is domestic dogs that chase roos into water and the roos only defence is to kick out, they are not intentionaly or deliberately drowning the dogs but that is the consequence of defending themselves from a determined attacker. A dingo has more brains than to go into the water with a big red.
Yes, I've seen them fight like this. You don't want to be close when they spar. It happens a lot. We raised a joey when my brother found a kangaroo who'd been hit by a car. When he and his mates got out of the car to pull the mother to the side of the road they found the joey and as mum was good with animals, he brought it home. Mum had to feed it every few hours with a special formula and charcoal tablets and made it a sack-like pouch to sleep in which hung on the laundry door. As she grew we got on fine but it was a large suburban backyard and soon she would outgrow it so we made arrangements to take her to a property in semi rural area where she could roam free and not have to contend with other kangaroos but would have other animals for company. kangaroos
No, I haven't ever seen them fighting, just some eating grass down the back paddock of the in-laws house, on dust, up the central coast before Newcastle, but not on a farm or in the bush! I have seen them fighting on tv shows though, like in the above photo.
by Miro
Yes they do. I have seen this often especially from mail kangaroos. It is all about the pecking order. I have lived in the country for a lot of my life - very common with roos. When they finish 'sparring' one often goes 'hugh' to finish the fight. Fascinating to watch - they are very powerful animals.
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