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Do heights prevent you from participating in certain activities?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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melbourne star, height
Melbourne Star: highest viewing point is 120m

Heights can be a turn-off for some. Activities such as flying, driving on mountains, climbing on skyscrapers or towers are a few activities that require being on a certain height.

Are you or someone you know afraid of heights? Is that a fear that prevents you from participating in such activities, or can this fear be overcome?

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Heights have never been a problem for me, but as I am aging, I am finding that I get nervous with heights. The sinking feeling disturbs me now, almost causing slight dizziness/nausea. I used to be able to go on roller coasters, but now I am finding them to be very intimidating. Must be the age, because I can't put my finger on anything else.
I am a little afraid of heights, but it has never stopped me from doing anything. I generally do things on the spur of the moment, so I don't have time to think of my fear.
I don't mind heights as long as they're moving fast - for example I'm happy to go in a roller coaster but not too keen on cable carts. It doesn't stop me from going on them, I just don't enjoy it as much as doing other things.

No - the higher the better. Of course you have the fear of falling, but then I challenge that fear because that feeling is also over rated! LOL ;)
I'm o.k. with some things, so it just depends.

Yes I think as a fear one can overcome it, for sure.
But! do they want too.It's a comfort for some to just have the reason is''I'm afraid of heights'', than participate.
Definitely not. Not scared of heights.
I am afraidof heights and I dont prefer to participate in such rides
Terrified of heights, but do the activities anyway - just try not to look down...
I used to enjoy roller coasters, ferris wheels, etc. As I grew older I found I couldn't tolerate heights. Indeed walking along castle walls overseas made me feel as though I wanted to throw myself off so started having a panic attack and had to get down to ground level quickly. Still can't take heights at any level.
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