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Do eye masks help us sleep better?

by annep (follow)
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Eye masks are designed to block out the light while people sleep. Do they really increase our sleep quality? Have you or anyone you know tried wearing an eye mask to bed? What do you think?

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I don't like them much. Have only tried while traveling on a plane, and they didn't help with sleeping then, but on a plane it's not going to be easy to sleep anyway.
While some people like to wear eye masks to bed, I find it uncomfortable and cause confusion when I wake up as I can't tell whether it's day or night.
My problem with sleeping is not light, so I don't think eye mask would make much difference to me.
They help me sleep better. My husband prefers to have the curtains open and I prefer them shut and don't like being woken early by the light. A blindfold is a compromise. I don't like the kind pictured above though as I find the elastic a bit uncomfortable. I just use a scarf knotted loosely behind my head.
It can be quite uncomfortable, and you can easily sweat on a hot night. Good for travelling though.
Funny you should ask!
I keep one Always like the pic, in my handbag.
Well on the odd times I have been quite sick, and had to be rushed to hospital...drip put in my arm, in a bed....hospital staff (not so quite of course)...in Emergency.I can put the mask on, and also I carry ear plugs...and try to block out all that light and noise.
So if I eliminate, two big factors....I can try to manage the pain, or compliant.

I'm an old hand at this.
I don't like having something on my face. I also like to check the time if I wake in the night.
Yes, when required, they do.
They're essential on long flights!
Not me.
by Finy
I love them. I have heaps of them. I have never had to buy them, & I've been wearing them every night, for years & years!!! The 1 in the photo looks like a Qantas 1. I also don't sleep well on flights. They don't help me to sleep on flights, but I'll still use them on a flight. At home I just pull it up, to check the clock when I wake in the middle of the night.
by Miro
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