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Do birds nest at your house?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
Animals (118)      Nature (53)      Wildlife (21)      Birds (11)     

Nesting birds by DodgertonSkillhaus via morgueFile
Nesting (Image: DodgertonSkillhaus via morgueFile)

We share our homes with many wild creatures; spiders and insects, rats and mice. Most are unwanted guests but there is something special about living with wild birds.

Do birds nest at your house?

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We dont have them nest in our house but we have several nest in our camellias each year
Every year a family of Swallows would build their next under the eaves of our house. Even though they made quite a mess we didn't have the heart to try to make them move on. Seeing the baby birds learn to fly with their parents made up for that!
In my back yard in our(very tall and long) hedge.

One has a fav position in the hedge, and we just leave it be.
Sparrows nest under our verandah every year. WS had welcome swallows nesting in our gazebo by the pond for a couple of years but not for a long time now. There's plenty of them at the lake at the end of our estate though. Indian minors nest in our roof evry year.
My mum has a nest in her verandah. The little ones are just now learning how to fly. Such a shame they're mynas.
by Vee
Occasionally there is a nest in the Ivy bush each spring. I feel guilty trimming the bush too much.

No, thankfully!
They stink, are noisy & full of disease, attract snakes.
Can do without all that, as life complicated enough.

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