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Did your parents hit you when you were a kid?

by Smita (follow)
Smita - Smitasfoodcharm - Thermomix Australia consultant
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By David Castillo Dominici, www.freedigitalphotos.net

Were you a disobedient kid? Or did you have over-demanding or abusive parents? Did your parents hit you when you were a kid?

#Child abuse
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and once only.........having said that I remember it well.
I had run across a road, and my Mother saw a truck coming.
The poor woman was beside herself, so as she went to smack me....I moved.
Poor darling hit the wall behind, and was in extreme pain.That had such a lasting effect on me, I never did it again.I remember it well.

I also remember feeling a great deal upset, to have done such a crazy thing, and that my mother hurt her hand.I knew I well deserved to get that smack.

Other from that, no I was never smacked, if I was told to do something....I did it.Even well before this one time.It just was part of life for me and all my friends at school.
Back in those days 1950's, you did as you were told.
You didn't ever answer back.Respect of parents was just a normal thing that happened.
In fact I can well remember 'how shameful' it would be, if one did answer back.

I like 'time-out' or 'go to your room', or 'stand in the corner and think of your actions'.
I really never had to smack my boys years ago, they were quite good kids.

p.s. I have to say I do find the 'Pic' with this question upsetting :(
I think so -at least my father did a few times. I really don't think there is anything wrong with it as long as it is just a hit on the bottom and not rough!
A lot of children nowadays just do not get disciplined and I think that is awful.
by Finy
That's a false dichotomy. There are not only two choices- discipline through hitting or no discipline at all. There are other ways to discipline a child.
Twice. When I opened all the Christmas crackers (I must have been about 3) and then when I was about 5 when I wanted to introduce our staffordshire bull terrier to other dogs in the neighborhood so he could also have friends. :(
Does a bear poop in the woods? We weren't disobedient kids. Our parents were always complemented on how well we were behaved, but we were smacked, and often had to kneel facing the wall as punishment. Our parents weren't abusive, but I certainly don't intend on employing the same disciplinary methods with my children.
by Vee
I don't think disobedience and smacking go hand in hand. I wasn't a disobedient kid, but I did get smacked. And, no, my parents weren't abusive or over demanding, they were simply just following the discipline measures that they were shown as a child. If you ask my Dad about smacking now, he would be the first to tell you that he wishes he'd never done it to us as children, and he now knows that there are other methods. To each their own, but personally, I am not a fan of smacking, and I think modern parenting has educated parents to consider that there are a number of different (and effective) measures a parent can take before smacking comes in to play. I am a fan of discipline and think children do need to have repercussions of their actions, but smacking just isn't my cup of tea.
Never. My parents never hit me. But I remember getting a few smacks from my grandma.
Not even once.There was disciplining and the punishment we would get is my dad wouldn't talk to us.That was more painful than getting hit I guess.My sister and I dreaded the fact that dad wouldn't talk to us if we did something wrong.That helped a lot in fighting temptations.
yes,they did & there was nothing wrong with it. We were brought up very well by our parents & that strict dicipline did us good. We studied well & never got in some stupid trouble. Today's kids need that medicine & lack of that you can see with their ( young folks) pranks on w/ends.
Shane LeRoy
Got belted by my mother.
At different times, my sister & my father arrived home to find mum belting the @&)- out of me, & they intervened quick smart. Dad actually called the Police to her. She never hit me again. She tried to, when I was 22, & I just flattened her, as I was much taller & stronger than her by then.

I only saw my father white with rage twice, & that was one time. The other was when a nun at school hit me with a wooden stick, so hard it bruised my upper arm in THREE places, all because I couldn't answer a Maths question. My father went a saw her, & told her in no uncertain terms, if she EVER laid a hand on me again, he'd call the Police. I was 8, at the time.
I saw that nun many years later. She wasn't in a 'habit' so I didn't recognise her. She said 'hello', told me her name, & I just replied, 'yes, you were the one who belted me' & I walked away from her.
Some nuns were VERY cruel, & it's all coming home to roost now. Good.
Mother loved a good hit. All of us, but mostly me, the "change of life" child. She was an angry, frustrated woman. I was actually well behaved but she liked to take her frustrations out on the nearest thing and as I was so much younger than my siblings and they were at school . . . it was me. Like donjo, my father or siblings sometimes had to intervene. She could be completely unreasonable at times and also attacked from the rear, with fists. Ah well, I didn't do it to mine and that's what matters most.
by Rice
No - my usual punishment for wrongdoing was not being allowed to read in bed at night - torture for me! Strangely enough when my son was young this was a punishment for him as well. Like me he loved, and still loves, reading, so that was quite a severe punishment for him.
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