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Did you used to walk to school, catch the bus, or get driven?

by Finy (follow)
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Did you used to walk to school?

Or did you catch a bus, go by bike, or did your parents drive you?

#School days
#Walk to school
#Bus to school
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I used to catch the bus mostly and sometimes at primary school my father took me before he went on to work.

I had an older brother so we sometimes went together on the bus.

We didn't ever walk as it was too far away, however in those days, there were no problems with children being able to walk anywhere, and it was in Sydney.
by Finy
Well I went to boarding school in Zimbabwe as a child so was on the spot as it were but when we came back to Aussie I was both driven sometimes and caught the bus sometimes...
by Fran
I would walk most of my school years.
Things were very different back then, there was no one waiting to take you, hurt you or anything.

I was taken to school nearly every day. I walked to my primary school, and dad drove me to high school. Mum worked at my primary school .... and dad worked at my high school.
In primary, I was driven by my mum or walked to school by my grandparents, but in high school, I caught the bus, which I really enjoyed.
by Vee
For the first couple of years of high school I used to ride my bike to the house of people I knew who lived near the bus stop. I would leave my bike there and walk the last bit of the way to the bus stop. The school bus picked us up. The last 3 years of high school I went to a different school and got a ride.
I always walked to school as it was very close to home. I guess this instilled in me,my love for walking.
I took the train.
I walked to primary school, took the train to secondary school, and then mixed tram and walking to sixth form. Then for uni I took the train.
In primary, I was driven by my mum or walked to school by my grandparents, but in high school, I caught the bus, which I really enjoyed.
by Vee
In my earliest stages of school I used to walk to school as it was pretty near to my house. In my later school years I took the taxi.
I started primary school in 1970 and walked to school every day until I left in 1981.
I was so slim !!
you mean slim from walking or just slim from being young!
by Finy
I rode my bike I could go the back way and if it was raining I went by tram half way then walked in those days the traffic was much less what a pity children (see I didn't say kids) can't do this as much
I did walk to school
No. No. And No!
My father drove me to School when young, then caught tram, door to door, luckily!
Mostly driven. Then by tram.
It was only a 10/15 min walk, to my primary school. I went to a high school boarding school, so it was a very long train ride after the school holidays. I stayed at the boarding school for 4 years.
I always walked to school and dreamed of someday riding the bus. Those kids got out a little early and I wanted out as soon as possible,one day I got on the bus and got into a lot of trouble for it. Now I'm a teacher and hate the school bus trips!
we use to walk 2miles to school whatever the weather the snow was that thick it came over our wellies if it rained we'd get soaked and have to put the wet coat on to come home the kids don't know they're born today

Driven occasionally, but bus mostly. Alas it was too far to walk.
Infants and primary school we walked. High school was in the next suburb and impossible to walk to so had to bus it there and back.
When I went to primary school my sister, brother and I walked to school - I was the eldest so was expected to keep them in check! It was nice in the mornings walking along the hedgerows looking at the webs spiders had spun during the night - I can remember how beautiful they were. Strangely enough when my son was little I used to walk him to school and he also loved looking at the spiders webs in the hedgerows.
The only downside of walking to school in Scotland in winter was trudging through the snow and arriving at school freezing!
When I went to high school I had to take two buses to my grammar school.
In those days we lived a different style of life and nobody thought it unwise to let your child travel alone on a bus - life seemed so much safer then.
I would go to school by bus and walk home bus travel in the afternoon was impossible a long wait and the buses were always overcrowded .
sometimes we would stop in the main shopping centre for an ice cream soda or milk shake

We were driven to primary school because it was not close to home. We walked to and from High school.
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