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Did you take off the time between Christmas and New Year?

by Lydia C. Lee (follow)
Christmas (129)      Work (104)      Holidays (84)      New Year (11)      Annual leave (2)     

With only 3 days leave, you got 8 days off this year. Did you take the days off or did you have to work?

#Annual leave
#New Year
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As I work for myself, I organise my own schedule. I tend to work different hours during summer holidays - usually early in the morning, then we go out for some fun during the day and I work again in the evenings or at night. So while I worked limited hours, I still did quite a bit of work between Christmas and New Year.
I did a combination of both; I took some time off and I still worked. As an editor here at HubGarden, there were articles to publish every day, so I attended to my queue. Like Ivana, I also work for myself so there is flexibility there. I get too bored if I took the entire two weeks off. Like Bryony, as a freelancer I also work from home. I took time off from office work and the chocolate tours, yet I am looking forward to getting back into it tomorrow. It will still be part-time so all good. Again, working for yourself has flexibility. You might do a couple of hours work in the morning, go to the beach for a few hours. Come home, do a bit more work. Go out. Work again and sleep.
I am a freelancer, so I work from home. I spent the week doing my usual round of articles.
I had a little time here and there.

But, because of what I do... you never know, when you will be called away.
This year so far....so good.Fingers crossed.
I did a little freelance work over the holiday period, but less than usual and have been spending more time relaxing.
I'm a stay at home mother so it's business as usual for me. My husband has to take time off then though because his whole office shuts down from Christmas to the second of January.
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