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Did you stay up till after midnight this New Year's Eve?

by Finy (follow)
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Did you stay up till midnight or longer this New Year's Eve?

#New Years Eve
#New Year
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I have to admit I did not!
I was particularly tired that night, and think I went to bed at around 9.30 pm.....boring....

I can no longer be bothered to stay up until midnight, go out, or even have visitors.

Perhaps I have seen so many New Years that it is no longer a novelty.

It is probably two years since I last had visitors on New Years Eve and then we were struggling to stay up till mid night.

Guess it is what you get used to....I now wake around 5 am or even earlier, so need to go to bed earlier than I used to so staying up till midnight just would not occur to me as wouldnt know what to do!
by Finy
I was hoping to be able to see some fireworks in the sky at nine-ish . . . but nothing, so off to bed I went.
by Rice
We went to a local club and had dinner and a show, so we were on the dancefloor as the New Year rolled in. They dropped all these balloons and streamers on us at midnight, and the band played Auld Lang Syne. We were very tired that night, since we had also been to see a matinee of The Book of Mormon. It was a New Year to remember, and we pledged to make 2018 a great year.
Sounds like a great time. Happy New Year :-)
by Rice
Thanks Rice !!! Have a great New Year yourself !!!
by Lluxi
I did.
It was not our usual big event, and the music was lame.
Still not a fan of so much money going up in smoke! I know it's new years, but to me it is a waste of a lot of money. Even if we just had them, every 5 years would be better.
I know....I know.
I was in bed at ten and it was as quiet as the grave here . . .not even a hoon. Then I got a surprise visitor at 3:30am . . . set all the neighbourhood dogs off and probably woke all the poor sods who'd just gone to bed. Pleased to say my two didn't bark as they were just so excited to see daddy. Men. (¬_¬)
by Rice
3.30 am and you let him in!!! I would have strangled him....
by Finy
It was the lesser of two evils . . . . .
by Rice
I was on a long haul flight for NYE
by AJ
did they do anything special at midnight?
by Finy
No, there was no announcement of any kind
by AJ
Well that sucks :(
by Rice
We always stay home & watch both lots of fireworks on the tv, with a dip, crackers, chips, & sparkling wine. We usually go to bed at about 1am.
by Miro
We were in bed by 9:30 pm. We are early birds in this house, so, it was a very long day for us.

Normally I'd be in bed but the inconsiderate owners of a house around the bend from us were partying with Lebanese drums and fireworks in their backyard until after 12.15 a.m. So thanks for the firework debris littering my rooftop and side passage, scaring my cat so she didn't appear until around 3.00 a.m. and just being inconsiderate. I've no objection to parties but one can take only so much drumming without much of a break. On the bright side, I did see the fireworks on TV and hear them locally but didn't go outside to watch because of the drums.
Happy New Year Helga . . . I'm sorry that you and your poor cat had to suffer people like that.
by Rice
Haapy New Year to you, too, Rice. Yes, poor cat is timid at the best of times and I was worried as to where she was hiding and she didn't come home when the noise subsided but thankfully she spent the remainder of the day at the end of the bed no doubt thankful she was home and safe.
by helga
Yes, I stayed up until midnight. Son and I went outside to look at the few fireworks we could see from the front yard. We wished a neighbour who was doing the same a Happy New Year and then went inside to sleep.
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