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Did you read 'Fifty Shades of Grey'?

by Vee (follow)
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'Fifty Shades of Grey' by Vintage Books

I remember the hype and controversy surrounding the release of E.L. James' 'Fifty Shades of Grey' like it was yesterday. And while everyone to my left and right devoured the trilogy, I buried my head in the sand. To many people's astonishment, it wasn't something I was interested in reading.

So, did you read James' 'Fifty Shades of Grey'?

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I read four chapters and regretted not spending my time doing something productive instead.
Thank you for confirming my suspicions. ;)
by Vee
Nope - and would I read it? Not sure! Don't have the time right now....but maybe one day! ;)
No, I didn't read it either. Once I had heard what it was about I could probably fill in the gaps and, no, it's not for me.
No. Doesn't appeal to me in the least. I'd rather read a good mystery or mythological novel.
by Rice
No, however I am now curious to read it.
No..... my time is not up for grabs.
Plus the content, was not something I would read at all.
I don't follow sheep.....
Nope and no interest in it. Same with Twilight. Just not my thing...
Must agree with you. Had no interest in 'Fifty Shades of Grey', but I have to be honest. I enjoyed 'Twilight' more than I'd like to admit.
by Vee
I understood 50 shades to be a more adult version of Twilight (read with 'a whole lot of sex') but same emotion evoking experience...(while I didn't read Twilight, I listened a lot to why people loved it, and it seems to be the general consensus that it was because it evoked all those feelings of being in love for the first time, and women really felt it again)
Even if that's the case, Twilight was much milder. And, reading it as an adult, I was able to look at it more critically that I imagine a young girl would have. Bella is a weakling - like the mouse in 50 Shades, and Edward was controlling like Christian, I suppose - but he was very much a gentleman when it came to sex. He wanted to wait until he and Bella were married and had no violent sexual tendencies, which is more than can be said about Christian the sadist.
by Vee
Read it..but could not understand what all that hype was about. In fact I got so bored after a few chapters. I was thinking "why am I reading this?" but read on thinking it would get better..Nopes it didn't and No I didn't finish it!
I read about 3 quarters of the book and got bored! I love a "sexy" book but it really didn't do much for me...the lead female character just was not even remotely likeable!
She's such a mouse!
by Vee
No. Not my 'cup of tea'!
No. I'm not really interested in other people's sex lives - fictional or not. Life is too valuable to waste it reading that sort of stuff - or at least that's my perspective anyway. I'd rather spend my time playing with my daughter or doing something as a family.
by kimp
by Vee
Alas I wasted precious time reading the first book because my friends said I just 'had to'. It is so poorly written I had to force myself to keep turning the pages! Like Sharmila I couldn't understand what all the fuss was about. Didn't even think of reading the other two books, and didn't waste my money going to see the movie either.
I'm sorry you wasted your time, poppy. But glad to encounter another person who agrees it was just that. :)
by Vee
i read the trilogy. it was cheezey as... mills and boone with a bit of play.
No I didnt and have no desire to do so!
by Finy
No, that type of book is not for me.
No I haven't read fifty shades of grey, but I do have the book, but haven't had a chance of reading it yet.
by Vee
No, I didn't.
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For me, this one is a no-brainer
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ID: 9777
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