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Did you play any sport when you were at school?

by Finy (follow)
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Did you play any sport when you were at school?

If so, how long did you go on playing this/these sports?

#School Sport
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No. Like Finy, I took tennis at school because I HAD to take something. I hated sport, was lousy at it and preferred my horses.
by Rice
I played tennis when I was at high school as we HAD to do one sport. I would not have if it wasnt compulsory. I also swam a lot however this was not with the school.

I didnt play tennis for a long time after school, but then went on to play in my 30's for several years and quite enjoyed it.

Now, sadly, no sport apart from walking the dogs which is at least some exercise every day.
by Finy
Only in Physical Education class. I played football/soccer with my neighbors when I was home. I was more into music and chess during my school days.
Sport was compulsory at school. We did hockey, athletics, netball and softball. HATED it !!!! Outside of school I did tennis, and went to the gym and took some classes there. Nowadays, my husband and I go swimming and do water aerobics every second day.
I only did the P.E. Classes that all the girls did.
Hated it too!
Only sport I love to do is swimming.
Me too.
by annfi
I represented the school in volleyball. I was absolutely rubbish at it, but then so were most of the girls on our team. It didn't last long...maybe a term. Hideous.
by Vee
No. My parents didn't encourage it. One of their favourite catch cries was - "We aren't running a taxi service."
I reluctantly did PE as a compulsory subject.
I disliked team sports and couldn't catch or throw a ball, was a slow runner and generally uncordinated.
In high school I chose to take up jogging, just by myself . I surprised myself by performing reasonably well at Cross Country running when we had it once a year. I might have taken it up if it was an option.
I was a fairly good swimmer, but hated when we played water sport. It may have been that it was inclined to get a bit rough, or that I just don't play well with others...

Yep. I read your answer and thought, "Haha. Nobody would have been driving me anywhere, I hated ball sports, hated team sports, hated any rough-housing and generally didn't play well with others." I don't think it would have entered my parents' realm of consciousness to think of driving us to play a sport anywhere. School was for that . . and then you came home.
by Rice
by annfi
Sorry - no question mark.

by annfi
Also, my parents never, ever set foot in the school grounds, never met teachers, never got involved other than to write notes for me if sick. They'd be no good in this day and age with parent/teacher interviews etc.
by Rice
We had PE, which I hated, but had to do. Then we had:Tennis, Cricket, Hockey & Swimming. Each day there was a list on a noticeboard, telling us which sport we had to play that day! I hated them all. I did like being the ballboy when we played tennis! I played on the wing on the hockey team, so I wouldn't have to do much running around! Can't remember anything about the boring cricket games. Our swimming pool always had very deep brown coloured water, with tar over the chicken wire around the insides of the pool, & you swam with the tiny frogs & leeches!!! The supervisor would walk up & down the side of the pool, with a box of matches in her hand, to burn the leachers off us! The year after I left the boarding school, 1 of the girls parents payed for a new swimming pool. When I've returned to the school for a school reunion, I noticed where the swimming pool once was, has been filled in with dirt. About 2 years after I finished high school I took up basketball for a year or 2. All I've done since then, in the way of 'sport', is my morning 3k walk around where I live, for the last 35 years, most days.
by Miro
Eeeeek! You could write a book about that one, miro_
by Rice
I dfetested sport and P.E. as I was extremely accident prone and always ending up at the hospital with shocking injuries!!! HOWEVER,.....
I did enjoy playing badminton,and I used to go after school on Tuesdays to play for an hour or so! I wasn't brilliant at this,but I enjoyed it, which for me,was the whole point of getting involved!!
Piker. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Wheelchair race . . ?
by Rice
Knowing me,I would have had a chair with no brakes and been pushed down a steep hill!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!
by Jules
Yes! Totally adored Sport! Couldn't get enough of it!
Swimming, Tennis, Netball, Ball Games, Hurdling, Highjumping, Athletics', Marching, Life Saving.

I was in Interschool Competitions', in Swimming, Netball, & Tennis. I was Captain of these Sports. Also was my House Swimming Captain.

I was both School Open, & Senior Swimming Champion, two years' in a row.
This meant I was the School Swimming Champion, in three strokes' (we weren't permitted to do 'Butterfly' as 'too' manly, but I was still very good at it) which had been my goal since I won my first Cup
at 8!

To earn both these Trophies' was a huge achievement. I swam two miles' a day, in training.

I set a Record for 50m Breastroke at 14, & it was another 18 years' before that was broken, by a tenth of a second!

I prided myself on my time for 100m Freestyle of 52seconds, which was 4 seconds' under Dawn Fraser's time at the 1956 Melbourne Olympics!

I'd play Tennis for four hours' every Sat arvo, then go Horse Riding all day Sunday!

After School, I was Captain of Past Pupils' Swimming for several years'. I continued playing Tennis, & Netball, took up Squash, & Bushwalking

I was just one of those kids' for whom any Sport was a 'natural', & it was a 'gift' I treasured!
Yes mainly Rugby Union Football, and Basketball.
It was an all boys school.
No I was very skinny and was always scared of breaking my bones although I did like softball if I was the batsman only. I gave it up when a big fat muscular girl collided with me. I liked dancing that wasn't as dangerous.
It certainly wouldn't have been funny at the time and I bet it hurt . . but all I can think of is Joe Tex singing "Ain't gonna bump no more, no big fat woman". LOL
by Rice
Oh that's funny
by nat_c
..............'fat muscular' is an oxymoron!
by donjo
Did netball, which I thought then and still do, was a really dumb game, but didn't have a choice because we had to keep busy lest we would be sitting around talking about boys(so the nuns said) !
priimary school, tunnelball softball, swimming , PE cricko (spelling) hated PE as did most of us.

high school PE still disliked it
Volleyball, softball and tennis. Didn't play again after I left school even though I was good at them. Took up tennis years later but had lost my skills and gave up. Wish I'd perservered though.
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