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Did you know we have a WOMEN tag, but no MEN tag?

by meggf (follow)
Feminism (56)      Men (25)     
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Answer angels has a tag for women where lots of questions come up about what women should and shouldn't do, but no tag for men like that. Do you find that interesting? Why do you think that is?

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It maybe should be Fixed.

No idea why?
I'm not going to even try to give an answer on that.
I think the man in your picture needs his own tag LOL
by meggf
Oh! yessssss indeed.
by jonaja
I did know :P That's why I asked this question and started the tag.

I do find it interesting, yes. I think it's because women's behaviour is far more in the spotlight than men's.
I was just thinking as I read your question, "We do now!"
Yes, I took care of it LOL I'm reliable like that!
by meggf
As one of the few men who answers questions regularly, I find it more weird that I never noticed. Now that I think about it, I'm kind of glad there are not a lot of 'man' questions because that can easily push things into a dating or relationship QnA. It would change the whole dynamic of the site, and I think many of us like the way things are right now. I'm not saying that there isn't a place for dating or relationship questions, it just hasn't cropped up here. That's my thought on it anyways.
A lot of the questions about women are along the lines of "Is it okay for women to do X?" (wear short skirts, keep their own surnames when they get married, not leave their abusive partners when they don't feel able to...) There aren't questions like "Is it acceptable for men to wear short shorts?" and so on, which I think is because it is seen as the done thing to police women's behaviour more than men's (there being thousands of years of cultural and religious tradition to that end). I can't see how asking the same kinds of questions about men as there are about women would in any way make the site about dating and relationships.
Trying to understand, was your assumption that women only (or should only) talk about men in terms of relationships?
Haha, no, not at all. My thought was that none of the regular contributors want to go down that road at all, so broaching the subject of men is avoided altogether.
Good point Meg! Basically I think it's because we're used to the constant policing of women's behaviour. So much discussion in the media is framed in terms of what women should or shouldn't do. It's like the way school dress codes often unfairly target girls, putting the obligation on the girls to not be a distraction to the boys rather than on the boys to focus, or to not be a distraction to the girls (and sending a message to the girls that their education is less important than that of the boys). Or all the stuff about how we should love our bodies, even though we are constantly being told that there is something wrong with them. Or the way a man giving his opinion is assertive and a woman giving hers in the same way is "bossy." Double standards everywhere. What's sauce for the goose should be sauce for the gander.
Thinking about it, I do remember a couple of questions that were specifically about men, just didn't have the tag. Certainly not nearly as many as there were about women though.
I do find it interesting - given that this group is predominantly women I'm surprised we don't spend more time talking about men and how they behave in the same way that we do women. I have always had a feeling that we (as women) are our own worst enemies and I think that the fact that even in a woman dominated group we question women's behaviours more than men's really pushes that point home. I'm looking forward to questions about men's behaviour and personalities and mannerisms!!
If you look at the tagline under the Answer Angels logo top left, it says "Q&A for Australian Women", so maybe the tag is historical from that? Obviously now we have non-Australians such as myself and some men as well in the AA community, so maybe the tagline should be changed?
I asked a question about men a long time ago, it never occurred to me to tag it "men" just as it has never occurred to me that there was a "women" tag! Perhaps I should post a "should men wear short skirts?" question just so I can use the new tag.... :p
Has the tag been added retrospectively? I've just looked at my question and it IS tagged "Men" and there are 13 other questions in that category.... some of them quite old. So not a popular tag but it does exist!
Yes, I added the Men tag with my question lol I'm responsible like that ;)
by meggf
But did you go through old questions adding the tag? I'm puzzled as I didn't think it was possible to do that yet my old question definitely has the tag!
I think it may be because there are far more female contributors on the site so the 'Woman' tag has come up organically.
by Vee
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