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Did you have a hula hoop when you were young and could you swing more than one at a time?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
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Hula Hoops (Image by Samantha Quigley, Office of the Secretary of Defense Public Affairs  - Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)
Hula Hoops (Image by By Pete Souza (Official White House photo) Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Hula hoops have been a favourite of children for generations, and with circus and other performers who can artfully swing many hoops at a time.

Did you have a hula hoop whenyou were young? Could you swing more than one at a time? Did you swing them around your legs and arms as well as your waist?

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When I was a kid hula hoops were all the go. We spun them around waists, necks, ankles and arms.
I didn't have one as a kid but now I have a couple of hoola hoops my sister-in-law gave me for my birthday a couple of years ago. I can keep one up basically indefinitely in either direction but I have never gotten around to mastering any tricks, let alone using two at once. One of these days...
I loved to hula when I was a kid. I had one at home, and there were loads at school. My friends and I would use them practically every break. I could hula several at a time, and on several parts of my body at the same time. I did waist, wrists (swapping them between each arm while in motion), ankles, and neck. I was really good. I have a hula hoop now actually, which I use to exercise with on some mornings.
Hula hoops were all the rage for a while when I was about 8 or 9 years old, so I had one but could never hula it properly! I hadn't even thought about more than one, given that one alone gave me so much trouble....
I did.
I could.

They were the thing to have when I was a kid.
You learned very quickly, or you just was not one of the kids!!
I had a hula hoop but certain not more than one and no I could not swing them round my legs or they would fall!
by Finy
YES, to all of the above, loved my hula hoop!
Ah, memories'.
I was never really into hula hoops
i still use it i can't do what the pic says one is manageable i still can't get it going on my hips but can handle on hands legs neck
Used to own a couple when I was younger and was quite good at it. I'm sure it helped keep me fit at the time.
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