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Did you grow up with both parents?

by meggf (follow)
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Did you grow up with both parents?

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Yes, and I still live with them.
No. I grew up only with my mum. My mother was engaged to a man around the time I was conceived, and I grew up with being told this man was my father but for reasons unknown he did not want anything to do with me. After years of me pestering and hearing different stories about the identity of my biological father, my mother finally admitted that her fiance at that time was indeed not my father and it could in fact be one of a few men. This is a factoring reason as to why my mother and I are now estranged.
That is very sad. :(
by jonaja
Yes, both parents. I think it gave me a sense of what a relationship between two consenting individuals is, and I take their model and implement it in my own life.
Yes, I did.
by BK
Not really.
My Mother did all the looking after me, and my Father came home now and then....I did not see much of my Father at all, but the war had ended 9 years and most of the men, who went to war never came back the same.
I never resented my Father, I knew from a young age....he was not well, and so when he was around I just loved him very much.
My Mother was understanding also, we made the best of a sad situation.
Yes. I consider myself lucky.
Yes, until my parents' divorced when I was 12. Wasn't that good then. Very sad.
Yes I did, never knew it could be any other way unless one parent died. How sad the way times have changed.
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