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Did you get any Xmas presents you really will not use?

by Finy (follow)
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Did you get any Christmas presents you really will not use?

#Xmas presents
#Christmas presents
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No, I didnt.
I only got a few anyway and one of the great ones was a pair of Dr Who Tardis earrings....they are fun, and I will wear them!

Very cute.
by Finy
Not really. I did get a bag from my daughter-in-law that I really don't like, but I will use it for her sake. I know she tries hard every year to find something nice

I use a great deal of time and care, but alas it is not the same with others.

So Vinnies will do well this year.

I was also given things with out-of-date, so the garbage man got those today!

Seriously now thinking calling it a day with friends, as far as Christmas gifts next year and on wards.

Family were very good and I also gave with care and love.
At the end of the day, Family will be the only ones now.....I am going to buy for.

I have a lot of friends, and the time..effort and money I do plan all year, has become way too much now for me.

Out of date?!!! How rude. Hmmm. Cross them all off - they will probably be relieved too. Even my brother and I only do each other's birthdays now.
by Rice
Exactly...it's just getting crazy too as far as money...from my end.
by jonaja
I didn't get any presents. Boohooo.
Its OK my children received toys and are quite happy with them
For many years now, gift-giving between the adults in my life have not been a major 'thing'!! I buy with great interest for my little niece and know thatb she shall always be thrilled with whtever I send to her,and this is what is important to me.I had a dreadful fall exactly 5 weeks prior to Christmas day, and have not been in any state to go out shopping as I still need to get my leg wound dressed every 2 days! Yes I know! Excuses!! Excuses!! My family sent me money with which to purchase something I would truly enjoy having, and my very dear and special friend sent me a real surprise parcel of gorgeous books and my very favourite hand made chocolate treats! I also received some other rather delightful small gifts, all of which I am very happy with! It is ALWAYS the thought which matters to me, even more than the gift. I shall be giving Happy New Year gifts when I am well enough!!!
Yes. I received two paintings from a friend who is a fellow artist. We have limited wall space and many pictures we want to hang but no room. The new ones are not to our taste. It is a delicate situation.
Any room in the loo . . . . ?
by Rice
We have a loo downstairs with space, but I wondered if that might feel insulting to him. The loo is built like an old outhouse, but has mod cons cleverly hidden within. My husband built it. Maybe I can talk to my friend and test the water..
by annfi
We have a loo downstairs with space, but I wondered if that might feel insulting to him. The loo is built like an old outhouse, but has mod cons cleverly hidden within. My husband built it. Maybe I can talk to my friend and test the water..
by annfi
No, I am pleased to say that the few I got were really great. I have the Christmas thing whittled down to my daughter and Himself. (if he's been good)
by Rice
Way too much chocolate and melting in melbourne's heat wave! Too much money spent on presents people don't want, don't have the money for and waste time searching for them! What happened to just getting together? I am at threat stage where my freinds and I dont need anything so we don't exchange gifts anymore, just TLC!
PS, that is why gift vouchers are ideal too!
by brigi
I agree !!! Gift vouchers rule !!!
by Lluxi
I think I'll use all of the Christmas presents that I got
by AJ
I did get some presents that I never used but over time people around me have become aware of what I like and use and what would be useless for me and thankfully now Christmas gifts have become quite simple and I only get things that would be used by me!
No. I am pleased to say I will use all my gifts...may have something to do with my explicit requests. LOL. That's how we "roll".
by Vee
I got some perfumed soap and lotion which I am allergic to. So I gave it to someone who would actually enjoy them without getting a rash.
Nope, as got none.
Yes! A bin tin of milk chocolates from Poland & 3 pairs of b/w stripped socks. I only wear thick plain black cotton sox with my short boots in winter. I already have a carry bag of sox that I don't wear!!!
My daughter received 1 prs of black socks with pink & white hearts over them, 2 pairs with pink flamingoes on them! I can never see her wearing them, as she's a 'vintage' girl, & pink is just not her! My husband received shaving cream, which he never uses, plus a couple of other items in the same box (for men who shave!) All these items are all from my daughters in-laws!
by Miro
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