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Did you ever smoke cigarettes, and do you still?

by Finy (follow)
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Did you ever smoke?

If so, have you stopped?

#Smoke cigarettes
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Yes, I did used to smoke cigarettes from about 15 years old.
I stopped about 25 years ago, and most of us used to smoke when I was young, however I only know of one person now who still smokes - no, two - one is very sick and the other is a very light smoker.

It is a horrible habit but nevertheless a HABIT and many people find it hard to stop.

Just thought of a third person who still smokes and has a problem to stop!

I gave it up quite easily several times!!
I found I had to have a packet in the house while I was giving up or I could not do it.
by Finy
When I finally gave up, I also had to have cigarettes in the house.
by annfi
I have never smoked anything. I see the older persons putting it down and the younger persons taking it up.
Never, ever.
Feral pic, Finy! LOL. I once tired a chocolate flavoured cigar my husband was smoking at a wedding, and I once tried the Argileh. Other than that, I haven't smoked. A cigarette? Gross! Never!
by Vee
My mother started up again after eight years of having given up. -.-
by Vee
I smoked for many years unfortunately. I gave it up 4 and a half years ago. I can't see myself ever going back because I don't miss them and the smell now disgusts me.
by AJ
Yes, I did. I quit smoking for 34 years now.
It was an addictive, filthy habit. Today, the smell of cigarettes nauseates me.
unfortunately i do. i gave up for 3 1/2 years once. big mistake was to restart the filthy, stinky habit.
No, I don't smoke. The only time I ever had a cigarette in my month was when I was out in the car with my now other 1/2, & his younger sister. I was 17, she was 15, & he asked me to light 1 from his 1. I started coughing & splattering, so he gave it to her to light. YuK! That was 50 + years ago.
by Miro
I tried to when it was fashionable in the sixties LOL! Luckily I did not like it and it did not take hold of me, phew! I do know a couple of people that still smoke but no close friends. I don't get why young people take up smoking these days what with the huge health risks and the cost so high. One person I know that has stopped smoking is saving $200 a week!!!!!
No. It never appealed to me. My mate and I tried it for a lark in our early teens. LOL. Menthol. Big time. Wahahahaha. *cough choke*
by Rice
For well over 20 years I was a heavy smoker. a packet a day at least. Have been a non smoker for well over 20 years. To this day I am still of the opinion that it was the most difficult thing to do. Took me 12 to 18 months to get it out of my head that i really did not want t smoke anymore. .
You are to be commended. Good for you and you health for being so strong :-)) I watched Himself go through several tries and it was horrifying. After hypnosis was the worst - he would try to sleep and be writhing around sweating and throwing his arms around. He finally won the fight with Champix and has not smoked or even wanted to in ten years.
by Rice
No! I can honestly say that I have never even had a single puff of a cigarette!! None of my family members have ever done so, apart from my mum who decided to give it a try after seeing some elegant movie star or other doing so. She coughed and spluttered and even vomited!!!! So that was the end of HER smoking without it even becoming a habit!! Dad said he had been pretty sure that this would be the result of her having a puff, and we all can happily say how right he was!!!

Any habit,once formed is hard to break without the desire and willpower to do so. I used to bite my nails when I was little and they would actually bleed from my habit. We tried so many things to get me to stop. Then,when I was 14, (it was the very colourful 70's!!!)I saw a gorgeous nail polish and knew that I would never be able to wear such an accessory as long as my finergnails looked so disgusting. I gave up the habit there and then, and have never gone back to it!! I think for many smokers, that their habit could be very much more difficult to stop though!
My father was a chain smoker, with no consideration for others . He smoked in the car and house.
As a teen when I tried smoking I believe I was already an addict. I smoked for ten years but have given up for more than twenty years now. I hate the smell and think it is a disgusting habit that only makes tobacco companies rich. It is a hard habit to quit but I always implore smokers to keep trying to quit until they eventually win,
I think my sibs and I were lucky because our dad was a very genteel smoker. Never dirty, never a chain smoker, never in the car, never more than one use for the ashtray then it was washed. I think we didn't get that pre-addiction. To this day, if I see anyone with a "baccy pouch" I beg a sniff as the tobacco itself, which is so aromatic, is a reminder of my father. (For some reason they always think I must be a reformed smoker. LOL)
by Rice
Your father sounds like a lovely man.
by annfi
He was :-) He was hysterically funny and very kind. He would do anything for his kids. Taken from us by ALS at 61. We miss him so very much.
by Rice
I have tried smoking, but didn't like it and just as well, my mum has emphasyma and believe me it's not worth it. I wish they could put people in a chamber ans let them try what it is like not to be able to breathe, they may change their minds!
I smoke cigarettes for about a term when I was at school, many, many years ago ...
No. Never.
by kimp
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