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Did you ever let your children sleep in the same bed as you?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Do you agree with letting children sleep in the same bed as their parents?

Did you ever do this?

#Child sleep with parents
#Children in parents bed
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Yes, both my kids did this until the age of about two when they moved into beds of their own. It worked well for us, especially when they were tiny and it meant I didn't have to get up in the night to soothe them when they woke up. There are some safety guidelines you need to follow if you have babies in the bed, but as long as you stick to those it's safe, convenient and cosy.
I very much disagree with this practise as I do not think it is fair on the partner and I just do not believe in it.

I think a child must get used to sleeping in their own bed -I have seen a friend who let her son sleep in the bed and she could not get him out and it upset her husband after a few years -quite rightly -if there is always someone in the middle or on the other side of the bed!

I think it is a thing that is not necessary, but then again nowadays most people bring up children different to when I had kids.
by Finy
Presumably people discuss it with their partners before coming to a decision. I know we did. If it didn't work for all three of us we wouldn't have done it, and when we were all ready to change it we did. No unfairness in that.
I feel it is a dangerous practice.
Adults can toss and turn and hurt the child.
I always had my babies in the same room in their own baby cot, and once they were older...say 12 months, in their own room.

When new born, they would be right next to my side of the bed but in their own little baby basket-cot.
I certainly would Not have a small baby in bed with me.

I love the bed in the picture I posted, that is wonderful and safe for baby.
I MUST BE very selfish-i need my sleep! I would have woken at every turn if next to me like that....
by Finy
I was worried about SIDS a lot, so it gave me peace of mind.
by jonaja
jonaj, I heard that 'co-sleeping increases th chance of SIDS' is a load. 'They' say that mother's have evolved to be aware of her child, even when sleeping. I know I slept with Luka when he was just born, and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to now because it has been a while. I did it the other day, on a single bed mind you, and we were fine.

'They' don't recommend co-sleeping if one or both parents smoke, drink or do other drugs including medications that cause drowsiness.

The 'myth' surrounding co-sleeping and SIDS originates hundreds of years ago. During the Middle Ages people were falling pregnant left, right and centre. Often they were unable to afford to feed and support their large families, especially during famine, and such times saw a spike in what we today would call SIDS. What was happening was people were 'accidently' suffocating their children in their sleep. This of course was a lie, and the Church knew it because parents were admitting to murder in confession.

So, the Church, together with the government (Italian, I think) outlawed co-sleeping. Interesting story.

Our midwife told us that.

by Vee
wow that is very interesting thanks Vee :)
by jonaja
There are sometimes stories in the media about baby deaths associated with cosleeping, but when you read the article it's always cases where someone has accidentally fallen asleep on a couch or armchair while holding a baby, or was under the influence of drugs or alcohol or something similar. There are safetyguidelines for cosleeping and a few studies that suggest it might actually help prevent SIDS because the baby's breath can synch up with the mothers, and the mum is right there and will notice straight away if anything is wrong.

Anecdotally, the night after my baby was born I fell asleep while feeding her in an armchair and almost dropped her which terrified me. It felt so much better having her in the bed next to me where she couldn't fall and could just reach my breast when she needed to.
Thanks for that info Jennifer, good to know :)
it's been a while since I had a little one.
by jonaja
Yes, I practiced co-sleeping with my kids. At one point we even had a family bed, which was really just a heap of mattresses on the floor. We loved it and it worked well for us.
My kids (usually!) get put down in their own bed, but the baby comes into my bed when he starts cluster feeding at about midnight and stays for the rest of the night. Our toddler (almost 3) will sometimes still come into our bed at some point during the night. I find it so much easier than having to get up and go them throughout the night!
I don't really like it but I think realistically it just does happen at times...I was a sole parent with an 18 month old so there was no one else in the bed and my son used to crawl in with me frequently....I always tried to get him back to his bed and forbade it as he got a bit older..
by Fran
Yes, and I would do it more but I am afraid thatt they won't want to go back to their beds when mummy and daddy need some alone time, lol.
by Vee
and why, Vee would you need that
by Finy
To make another baby, Finy, or not! LOL.
by Vee
oh Vee I was being funny!
by Finy
Sorry Finy, LOL! Sometimes sarcasm doesn't register in my brain, especially when it's conveyed through text.
by Vee
You know, there are other places a couple can have alone time if they use a bit of imagination.
Somebody even made a t-shirt about it.
Oh my gosh, Jennifer! That is hilarious!
by Vee
I would be too nervous to have a tiny baby in the bed. I don't agree with putting the baby in bed with parents
by AJ
La la la!
Sorry, that was meant to be in reply to Jennifer's suggestion!
Which suggestion?
About using your imagination for alone time
Just having fun, Jennifer 😁
Just having fun, Jennifer 😁
Just having fun, Jennifer 😁
Just kidding, Jennifer 😁
Every night I have two children in the bed and another on the other side of the room.

Co-sleepers do it in the kitchen!
No, I think children should get used to being in their own bed from the start. It's unfair on the partner and getting up for feeds is all part of being a parent. Confusing for the child as well.
yep. It just makes sense!
Both of my children slept with me un til they were 5. When they were very small a pillow seperated us to protect them. I saw nothing wrong with this. We are very close and I have a strong bond with both of them. It was also convenient as I breastfed both at different stages. I know a lot of people will disagree with this practice but a lot of cultures do this.
No, our kids never co-slept with us, but now when we visit our youngest daughter in another state we take our eldest granddaughter for the week-end. We made up a lovely bed on the floor for her, which worked for 1 or 2 nights, but on the next visit she wanted to sleep in our bed, because she doesn't see us very often. (She's now 7) My husband is now to old to move down to the floor bed, & even though I loved having her in our bed, I can't sleep if she's in the bed with us! Hopefully, she'll want to be on the floor bed, as she gets older!
by Miro
P.S: Years later now! Well I didn't do that, so I think it's up to the other parents to if they want to or not, but as we only see our granddaughters 3/4 times a year, they insist on sleeping in bed with me, so my husband had to sleep on a mat on the floor! Poor man. He's really aching by the time the girls go home again! (It's only after 2 or 3 nights!)
by Miro
P.S: Years later now! Well I didn't do that, so I think it's up to the other parents to if they want to or not, but as we only see our granddaughters 3/4 times a year, they insist on sleeping in bed with me, so my husband had to sleep on a mat on the floor! Poor man. He's really aching by the time the girls go home again! (It's only after 2 or 3 nights!)
by Miro
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