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Did you ever have a microscope and what did you view with it?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
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Microscope by DodgertonSkillhaus via morgueFile
Microscope (Image by DodgertonSkillhaus via morgueFile)

Did you have a microscope when you were young? What did you view with it; blood, dirt, fabric?

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I had one as a teenager and remember pricking my finger so I could examine blood. The set came with pre-prepared slides and I could also make my own. I know I looked at many different things although I don;t remember what. We gave one to our 12 year old grandson at Christmas this year and it was a big hit. I recooend it as a present or a teenager, especially for boys.
I didn't. I'm enormously curious and would have enjoyed owning a microscope but I discovered at school that I can't look through one. My eyes are unbalanced and there is something about the way you have to look through the microscope that scrambles my vision. I have the same problem with binoculars!
We have given microscopes to quite a few young relatives and godchildren though, as I think they are a great item to own!
No, I didn't. It has never interested me to have one.
Not at home but in school chemistry lab. It was fun and I loved seeing my own skin, blood and so many other things under it.
by BK
Yes I had a microscope when I was younger but as that is over 40 years ago, I haven't a clue what I used to look at.

I sometimes see them come into the op shop where I volunteer and it always reminds me of when I was younger -perhaps we used them for chemistry or biology, both of which I did at school for the "leaving" as the HSC was then called.
by Finy
I didn't have one for myself, but remember using them in school. I think it would be much more fun to have one myself so I could look at anything I wanted whenever I wanted! I will be getting one for my boys though!
Just in school. I looked at skin and plant cells.
No, too boring!
But 'stranger than fiction', I married a Scientist, who, of course, used a m/s in his daily work! Lol!
I didn't own one but bought one for my eldest daughter when she was about 10. She loved it and was always using it until I discovered she was gouging marks in the slats of her wardrobe door with the glass slides. Imagically made it disappear🔬
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