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Did you do any writing or photography before you joined Hub Garden?

by Finy (follow)
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Writing (36)      Photography (22)      Hubgarden (12)     

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Had you done any writing, publishing or photographing before you started on HubGarden?

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I had done a little bit of writing for an organisation of which I was a member, and I have done quite a lot of photography but only for myself, and my albums which I used to make.

Nowadays I travel far, far less, so take less photos and they are now mostly of grandchildren which I think many of us grandmothers do.

I do love photography however as well as editing.
by Finy
I have always enjoyed both writing and photography,to the humbling result that I am often asked if these two past times are my career.
No, however I am interested in photography, the creativity of it but never done any except for the 'photos' we all take of our lives........
by Fran
I did lots of writing, but before joining WN/HG I did not take picture much. Now I do it all the time.
No not really.
Just the odd letter to the Editor of a Paper here and there.
This is much more fun :) love it.
I've been writing stories since I could hold a pencil in my hand!

I have published a few things but nothing like this.
by AJ
In my teens years I wrote a lot of short stories and poetry.
I started a blog earlier this year as a part of my business / studies - So I've been writing about pregnancy, childbirth and parenting for a little while. Then a friend got me onto hubgarden which is fun! I've never really been a photographer as such, I like taking photos and sharing them...but I'm not particularly skilled at it!
Yes, I did both before joining Hub Garden.
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