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Did you catch the candy crush craze?

by lizzi (follow)
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Candy crush
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Do you play candy crush? Why / why not?

Do you play any other computer games?

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I don't do anything that the 'mass are doing'.
I do like to play 'Gold Miner' on computer.

I am completely addicted to candy crush!! And I was addicted to Farmville before that. I also used to play a lot of Neopets which was fun. I like candy crush because I can play a quick game here and there and it helps me to switch off and then re-focus on whatever I need to be doing. I am presently stuck on a level though which is not so much fun.
Candy crush is the first game like that I really got hooked on. I thought I'd give it a go because lots of friends liked it, and I'm glad I did. It's actually really good fun!

Send me a life Lizzi *points finger*
No, and all the Facebook requests for it got old very quickly.
I made a serious effort not to get caught up in this craze. I saw just about all my co workers becoming addicted to this game. I decided that I was not going to be one of them. So to date I've not even played a minute of this game.
No, I've never bothered to try it because my Facebook account got spammed with requests - I'm funny like that, too many requests and I won't do it at all!

Bejewelled is more my thing.
by Vee
I just dont like candy crush and any other computer games.
I game all the time, it drives my wife nuts, but Candy Crush is one game I have avoided. Right now I am playing Injustice: Gods Among Us, which is a Mortal Kombat-like fighting game on the iPhone.
I sure have and still do!

I am up to about 350 and keep vowing I will not play again.

Sometimes it took me months to get through one level and at one stage I DID stop playing because of this but then one day i tried again and got through that level.

This has happened a few times but at the moment, as they have a free spin and prize every day, this has helped me get through levels and, touch wood, I have not been stuck for about a month now.

YAY Candy Crush!
I do not believe in paying for things on this game even though I used to as I thought $1 is not a lot -worked out they are making probably millions per day.
by Finy
I HATE getting stuck - it gets so frustrating!! I also refuse to pay money.
by lizzi
I paid often as I thought $1 for the enjoyment I get out of it is nothing.

I still feel this way but I do not like the company -King, so now I will not pay!
by Finy
I was really hooked on Candy Crush until I went on vacation. Before that it was FarmVille, and before that it was .... you get the idea? I usually stop if we go away for a while. I am making a big effort not to play anymore - too time consuming!
No I don't play Candy Crush, because I hadn't heard of it until yesterday, & I don't pay for anything on line anyway. I'm to busy wasting time playing Solitaire, (which doesn't make my husband happy!) But I'd rather play Scrabble by my self, than Solitaire, but I don't know how to find the Scrabble I used to have.
by Miro
No. Who has hours and hours to spare doing such a brainless activity? Certainly not me! By the time I work all day, then go to the gym, then home to get dinner and do any cleaning or whatever, that's the last thing I'd want to do!
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