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Did the children at school ever give you a nick name?

by Finy (follow)
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Did the children at your school give you a nick name?

#Nick name
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I think I was sometimes called Ruthie but cannot remember having any other nick names.
Once I was called something derogatory, and this has stuck with me for many years, but it was not a nickname!
by Finy
I got called Butch at high school because i was a bit of a fighter (always self defence ) and they thought i was a lesbian. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
No. I'm too middle of the road. It seemed that you only got a nickname in those days if you were deemed "very cool" or "very very uncool". I remember one girl in primary school from a very poor family who was taunted with names . . . and it made me furious! I was well known at all my schools for championing the underdogs. My daughter is a teacher and I see it so clearly in her so at least I did something right.
by Rice
How did you remember about MiMi? No, that was only a suggestion from an art gallery receptionist for our granddaughters to call me, when the 1st granddaughter was starting to talk, & I didn't like any of the grandmother 'names'!
by Miro
Why thank you very much Rice. Yes, I sort of love the name as well! Our daughters just call my in-laws by their 1st names. They only see them once a year, when they (our daughters) visit Sydney from Melbourne.)
by Miro
No never a nickname but I certainly got called a few other names. Didn't worry me much though. As long as I didn't get called….late for dinner.
Fran . . . the cat specialist vet told me that kerosene will remove the smell and deter cats from piddling where you put it. :-)
by Rice
Thanks for that Rice, I haven't heard of kerosene, but it would make sense. I'll give that a go.
by fran.
Best of luck :-)))))
by Rice
I don't think so. Not that I can remember anyway.
by Miro
Mimi . . .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Rice
Haha. I am well known for remembering all kinds of stuff :-)) Plus, it is so cute.
by Rice

But in those days kids were at times quite harsh.
So best leave things in the past.
We all pretty much had nicknames
by AJ
Yes. Hels bells and helicopter all in good fun. In girl guides the scouts called me legs because of my long legs.
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