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Curtains or blinds?

by slang (follow)
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Blinds can make a home look more like a sterile office or simplify a complex room, while curtains can over complicate a minimalistic space or soften a sparsely furnished area.

Do you have curtains or blinds in your home? Which do you prefer and why?

#Home decorating
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We used to have all curtains, but then a few years ago, we had some blinds installed for the conservatory to keep the glare of the sun out in summer. We had them put in the kitchen at the same time. This year, we finished converting our loft and just had skylight blinds installed. The bedrooms, living, and dining rooms are curtains though.
In our bedroom we have both to block out sunlight.
by Vee
As Perth has very harsh sunlight, I have sunblock blinds (that actually REALLY work), and curtains to soften the whole look. This helps save on air conditioning bills in the summer too.
I have blinds, but I would much prefer the colour of curtains through which the sunshine seeps and brightens the overall atmosphere of the room :)
I prefer blinds as I do not like "fancy" things, and to me, curtains are rather fancy.
I prefer the straight clean lines of blinds.
I have double blinds in some areas due to the heat as when I was having them installed, I agonized for some time about putting curtains in as well to stop the heat. However with a block out on the back of one of the blinds, I far prefer this, as you can also have the main, heavier blind up in the day and no one can see in even though you can see out.

So, definitely blinds for me!
by Finy
We have a combination of blinds and curtains which is just what was here when we moved in. I quite like blinds for the kitchen windows because you can regulate the light really easily by tilting them. Our curtains aren't anything fancy though. We have plain green ones in the living room, nothing complicated about them.
Blinds - cats love curtains too much. And curtains seem to attract the dust more, they require more upkeep.
Oh! May, I've had cats my whole life, & not one of them has ever torn at the curtains, even though they Siamese!

Remember Si & Am in movie , 'The Lady & the Tramp'? They were very naughty Si-Am-ese pussycats!
by donjo
Blinds - cats love curtains too much. And curtains seem to attract the dust more, they require more upkeep.
May, we had Off-White & Beige colouring in our curtains. They never looked dirty, & both curtain, & backing were washable.
We had them for FORTY years', & they still looked good, probably because they were partially made of good Aussie Wool, which had just started being used when we bought them!
by donjo
In summer for the harsh heat, blinds keep a great deal out.
In winter, it keeps the heat it.
In our home, the curtains soften up the blinds...best of both.

Curtains are prettier and blinds are easier to damage once they start to age, so its curtains for me!
I've made the switch from vertical blinds to custom-made draperies. Suite my style which is somewhat formal. Not for everyone though.
Both. Blinds are low maintenance. Curtains add decor to the room
I use light, almost opaque-style curtains. Just enough light comes through them. They're not really heavy like standard curtains are, so I can remove them easier, say if I want to wash them or rearrange stylistically.
For first time pull down blinds one for block out another to see out and not see in,love them you can get so many variations in weave etc. Curtains
date verticals good on small windows only for me but glad they stopped the
chains at the bottom
Curtains, in most rooms.
'holland' blinds in rooms facing West.
Vertical blinds in 'sun room'.

HATE with a passion, Venetian blinds. They must be THE hardest item to clean in ANY living area, & that's counting the oven!
by fran.
IF I won multi-millions $$$$ on Lotto, & built my 'dream' home, I'd have Plantation Shutter doors on all Wardrobes, to allow air-circulation.
I'd still have curtains in main rooms.
I found the Holland blinds on western side marvellous for sun heat cut out.
Make more use of Aluminium Awnings on the outside. They were tremendous in providing privacy, air flow, shade, & looked good!
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