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Could you send your children to boarding school?

by meggf (follow)
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Could / would you send your kids to boarding school? Why or why not?

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I have never had children but if I had I cannot imagine wanting to be so parted from them. They grow so very quickly, years an pass in what seems the blink of any eye and I would not want to waste a moment of it.
Some days I think boarding school would be a bloody wonderful idea LOL However - I don't truly think I could do it. Perhaps if we lived a long way from schools and my kids were really academic and wanted to go...But I would much prefer to have them with me.
I imagine I could send my son to boarding school as easily as I could gouge out my own eyes and still see.
by Vee
The short answer is yes. The long answer is a bit more complicated. Sometimes it really depends on the child. Apart from the fact that it is hard for a child to live away from home, it is a great life experience as kids learn to become independent and disciplined. In this day of modern technology, distances are a bit easier to deal with. Having said that, it would also depend on a lot of other factors, finances being one of the major ones.
Absolutely Not!

That would be too hard, and I would miss them too much.
If they were a lot older than they are now and wanted to go, or I suppose if for some reason we had to. It's not something I'd really want to do.
There's no way on earth I would send my kids away. People say it helps them become independent but independence isn't a learned behaviour, it's a natural development that children undergo as they prepare to live away from their parents. I had them so that I would raise them and live with them, there's no way I'd send them away for all that time. I think it's quite cruel actually.
Never. Never never. Even when things were at their most difficult, I could never have done that. I wouldn't trust anyone else with my kids (except my mum).
Yes, if lived on a Property, out West! Would have NO choice but to do that!

I boarded for a while, & I turned out ok!
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