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Could you live in high rise apartments?

by Finy (follow)
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Apartments (2)      High rise (1)      Tall buildings (1)     

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High rise apartments have many fors and againsts!

Would you be able to live in this type of accommodation, perhaps as you got older?

#High rise
#Tall buildings
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Being single, I would feel safe in high rise apartments, however and it is a big however, I could not have my dogs if I lived in one so my answer would have to be NO.

I could not live without dogs so therefore could not live in high rise apartments.

They would also bother me with shopping and the lifts though I mostly get it delivered.

Basically high rise living would not bother me apart from these two huge things!!
by Finy
It would utterly do my head in to not be able to walk straight out to my beloved plants and spend time in my garden!!! I also would hate to have to keep my darling dogs cooped up in a high rise apartment.I may be able to tolerate a ground floor one with immediate access to the great outdoors,but I doubt this could be good for me either!!!
I already live in one. Gone are the days when I did all the gardening and maintenance - now it's all done for an annual fee. The views are stunning and I live in a building where it is one apartment per floor, so the 360 degree views outweigh looking at a lovely garden. I grow flowers and herbs on the balcony too.
If I had to , but I'd rather not. Living in a flat was fine when I was younger, but now I have kids it's nice for them to have a yard to run around in and to be able to plant some trees. I suppose if we lived ina flat I'd have to make sure there was a park nearby.
Nope. I am terrified of heights and elevators! When we go away on holiday I always ask to be placed below about the 15th floor. Once we stayed on the 17th floor and it just wasn't fun for me. If I was living there I would be going for below the 5th floor. That would be about my limit.
I love a garden how ever big.
So for me the fresh air, and grass, plants is a must.
Only if I really had too...would I.
Having said all that, I have found that say in 7-8 yrs, I may not be able to maintain my garden as I do now.
I guess that is something later in life to consider, but I really would need a balcony of some kind......which is what we mainly have now in Australia with some high rise units(not all).
Wouldn't the views from a high rise apartment be spectacular but it's not for me. I like a bit of land around me, enough for some lawn, a flower garden, and a tree or two. Something that birds and butterflies will visit with perhaps a little fishpond in a corner.
No, not at all, due too much furniture, & other goods.
Much prefer a BIG house! Plenty of room, also comes with a lawn, & garden, which I love!
No. I would go absolutely mad in one of those. Not being able to step out into a garden and not being able to hear the birds singing would kill me. And the thought of having someone right on the other side of what are usually paper-thin walls - ugh!
Definitely not. I like to be able to open the windows, walk out into a small garden. Besides my not liking it, my cat would hate it. She's still got a bit of the 'wild' in her. Also I am not a fan of high rise density living. Three floors is as high as I have ever got - and I had a balcony (at the time no cat).
no, I would not, hard to get out of if something happens. too dangerous
I hope I never have to. Flatting was fine when I was young, but having 2 young kids in a flat for a while, it's not something I want to repeat any time soon. I'd rather have to travel a bit further each day and be able to spend sometime outside at the weekend.
I would rather not. I love the feel of a single family home.
by Gia
I do live in a high rise apartment block and I really like it. We are renting. I would not purchase an apartment in a high rise
by AJ
NEVER! Too many people too close, and whom I do not know.
The Noise Transfer issue from above, below and beside 'my' unit could be horrendous. Partying people, unruly loud tenants racketing in the hall outside my front door, other people's dirty habits, litter in the lifts .... the list goes on.
I've lived in flats/units neasrly all my life and all I want is PEACE & QUIET with my own garden where i can potter happily, grow & pick my own flowers/herbs (if they live). Balconies are not gardens. Owners Corps do NOT permit picking flowers. Modern OC's do not have proper gardens. And, I hate NOISE! The new, modern lifestyle is not for me - been there & done that!
I used to live in a high rise in the cbd of Melbourne and loved it. I had the most stunning views from both balcony's over the city, and felt very secure living there.
I didn't have the time to spend on gardening every week and so was more than happy to water the few pot plants that I had on the balcony.
I would happily live in a high rise again
I have been in a hotel in a fire, which was more than a little scary. I had my baby with me and I found out the fire department ladders CAN NOT go above the 6th floor. There is no way that you would get me past the 3rd floor.
No way. Terra Firma for me. I'm a flat on the ground kind of person. Also, I would never be able to look out of the windows . . . Eeeeek.
by Rice
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