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Could you give up sugar?

by Jamie0liversgirl (follow)
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Could you give up sugar? I mean, refined and unrefined, forever? It's a toughie.

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I've given it up for the past two weeks - very tough at first, but it eventually makes you feel a lot healthier and more alert! :) It's a great change!
Isn't it great? Well done you! It is amazing how different you feel after giving it up! High five!
I suppose I could if I really wanted to, but I don't want to.
That is exactly what a friend has said, I guess if you don't have the inclination or need to give it up, then don't!
Then what is the point of living. I have reduced sugar - but I have to admit...I love chocolates and sweet things. Oh, and I have changed white sugar to natural - not sure if that helps.
I think it does help switching to natural sugars compared to o refined, but they all break down to the same thing, so who knows!

If I had too.....which was probably yesterday ?*!#?*!*
If you had to? Haha! Brilliant!
I had given up sugar for a year.So yeah it is doable.Would I do it again? No
Haha, why not again?
:) because it is difficult.You have skip desserts in family dinners and not be able to have a chocolate when I have an argument with my husband.Plus I love baking.So not having suger and loving baking wouldn't really help.:)
by Sasha
I love that answer ''not having a chocolate when having an argument with husband''

You go girl!!! one of my mob, I MUST have the brown stuff.....or I will go mad.
by jonaja
:) you bet...how else would I stay married ?:) :)
by Sasha
Art you are hilarious!!
After reading an article about the effects of sugar I decided to forgo the refined as well as natural sugar (agave syrup, honey, etc), to see if it had an effect on my weight and skin. After one month both skin and weight were pretty much the same, but one thing changed: my headaches. I have not had a migraine since I quit all forms of additional sugar, it has been a real revelation. I never even thought sugar had any effect on headaches, or pain, but I have since had 'pleasant' periods, where my time of the month isn't a painful time where I'm reaching for pain relief.

Please note, I am still enjoying fruit, but I have completely given up adding sugar to my tea, or eating any refined sugar. I have tried a little maple syrup and agave in small doses, but overall, I'm sugar-free! It's so liberating, give it a go.
That's pretty amazing. I think if sugar had that effect on me (to cause headaches) giving it up would be easy!
Yeah, it really does affect me so. Giving it up was a lot easier than I thought! And now I'm migraine free! Woop!
I mostly have. We went organic a couple of years ago now, and as part of that I stopped eating processed foods and refined sugars. Having kids who love sweet things, I played with recipes and learned how to make pancakes and biscuits and even cake without any sugar (or honey or any other sweetener) and after a while we all got used to it. Now that I've been off it for so long, sugar tastes weird to men and strangely not as sweet as honey. I still each chocolate though, but much less than before.
Well done you! It is hard to give it up completely! I can't imagine how hard that is with a family! Forgo-ing the processed crap is great!
Yes I could give it up. I had given up actually. But then I got married to a sweet person with a sweet tooth and the habit rubbed on. Now its an effort but I could give it up and it really helps. Gets the kilos off, makes the skin feel good.
Haha! When your other half has a sweet tooth I know how hard it is! Yep, skin is considerably clearer and I feel a whole lot better!
Yes because you Can get your Sugar from fruit

Well said!
I've never been a big sugar eater and only use organic now, when I'm cooking for myself. However, I'd like to cut down my use even more, if possible. Sometimes we use stevia, rice syrup, maple syrup and date palm sugar (jaggery) in our cooking, which are all natural and tasty. It's a bit hard to totally avoid, though, especially when we eat out at the homes of friends.
The human body needs a little of sugar. Give it up completely, & the consequences aren't good.
I gave up sugar 20 years ago, but unfortunately it is still in many food products we buy... I use Stevia or a safe substitute when I need to use sugar..
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