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Can you whistle?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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Can you whistle?

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Top Answers
Of course every boy can whistle.I can whistle so many different ways using fingers & bending the tongue.It,s fun.
But my whistling days are long past me.
Shane LeRoy
I sure can, though I cannot do that very loud whistle but just a normal whistle.
I have tried to do this one as it is a great one for getting dogs to come back, however, could not learn it for some reason.
by Finy
No, definitely not.
Once I could.
For some reason, I have lost my pea?
Don't think it will ever come back too.
Yes, but can I do it enough for it to become a career path way?

No. Alongside being unable to roll my tongue, whistling is another thing I cannot do.
by Vee
Nope. I tried to learn when I was younger but just couldn't seem to get more than a pathetic little sound out.
Yes just a short not-so-loud one. Rarely can I draw a tune out of it.
I can whistle, and there isn't even that much spittle.
Yes, & in tune!
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